Why Emotional Intelligence is Essential in Leadership

What is Emotional Intelligence?


While it isn’t quite as quantifiable as its companion Intelligence Quotient (IQ), emotional intelligence is equally important. First thing’s first, it doesn’t have the same kind of data support as IQ. Due to the ease of assessing IQ through school and into the workplace, the metric has traditionally been emphasized more.

EI can be measured in the following ways:

Relationship management: Includes managing our relationships, connecting with others, leading, controlling conflicts, and cooperating with others.


Being Self-Aware: Having an awareness of our knowledge about ourselves, understanding our behavior,  and understanding our emotions.


Motivation: Harnessing our internal resources to perform, act, and achieve our goals.

Empathy: Knowing how others feel and empathizing with them. People who are empathic can relate to their emotions more effectively since they identify with them.


Self-management and self-regulation: Skills that allow us to control our emotions and therefore our responses.


What Are the Benefits of Emotional Intelligence?

Having an emotional intelligence reserve gives us the ability to take care of our physical, psychological, and mental needs — as well as to inspire and lead others.

Conflict resolution is the result of our ability to manage effective relationships and our armor and shield. Success relies on it in numerous ways.

Success in our personal lives isn’t limited to the concept of emotional intelligence. The workplace is no exception.

60% of careers are derailed by insufficient emotional ability, such as difficulty dealing with interpersonal problems, incompetent leadership in challenging situations, or lack of adaptability.


Workplace Emotional Intelligence: Why is it Important?


Work-life and career are directly impacted by EI. Relationships at work are the norm. People are often a melting pot of different emotions, skills, and personalities. It is embedded right into all of this what the business is all about.


In the workplace, therefore, every decision and action is influenced by Emotional  Intelligence. You will find it in the basic instructions for your team, just as it appears in mass organizational changes. The result is that people with greater EI usually behave more effectively at work. When one is emotionally intelligent, one is able to lead and build successful teams as well as be responsive and agile when the occasion arises. 


A low level of emotional intelligence can also negatively impact the workplace. It can lead to harassment, bullying, and demotivated employees at its worst. The result can be irritability, insensitivity, and even aggression. An EI of high levels will promote flexibility, while a low EI will result in rigidity and inflexibility, both dangerous for any organization.


Emotional Intelligence Course:

You and your employees can learn the importance of EI through P2L’s Emotional Intelligence course. It’s ingrained in who we are, and as such, impacts every aspect of our lives, especially the workplace.

To learn more check out P2L’s Leadership Development page!



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