Leading Technical people+ - a woman is sitting in front of two screens while she looks towards her left where there is a laptop and she is using a mouse with her right hand

Improve Your Leadership Style With Leading Technical People+

Who Are Technical People?

Employees such as engineers, financial experts, lawyers, and creative experts in media and advertising are technical people who are critical to every organization. It is safe to say that they are the backbone of every company.

What Are The Best Practices To Lead Technical People?

  • Technical people learn better with practical experience. So, leaders must explore a variety of methods, such as role-plays, simulations, coaching, face-to-face instructor-led courses, and e-learning
  • Involving higher management employees and learning from their experience can be very useful and enriching. Leaders must engage industry experts, business leaders, C-suite executives, technical experts, and leaders of technical professionals in the training of techies of their organization
  • Leaders must ensure that the training given to their technical employees is relevant and applicable to their job as this will help them learn and understand better
  • Leaders should encourage knowledge transfer between new and experienced employees as this will help the trainees get a deeper understanding of all organizational processes and goals
  • Leaders leading technical people should incorporate specific real-world scenarios or case studies to give their employees a peek into real-life scenarios. This will better prepare them for any upcoming situation
  • Leaders must evaluate the development needs and challenges of technical employees by performing assessments
  • Leaders must be on top of things by constantly seeking feedback from team leads and employees to ensure smooth functioning throughout the organization
  • Leaders must develop a network of experienced leaders and conduct networking events for their employees so that they can interact with and learn from both technical and non-technical leaders

What Is Leading Technical People+?

BlessingWhite’s Leading Technical People+ is a highly customizable program with off-the-shelf pricing, providing organizations with more options to address specific learning outcomes, challenges, and budgets.

Building on the foundations of earlier versions of Leading Technical Professionals, this new program takes a flexible and modular approach to learn to maximize skill-building and provide access to information. Leaders of technical people have different needs, and the core of their leadership challenges lies in having essential communication skills and then practicing those skills with specific strategies that can be applied to real-world issues they are facing on the job.

Content Modules:

The program begins with the Foundations of Leadership. Here participants will learn about the specific needs of technical people, experience the model of engagement, and focus on essential skills like building trust, active listening, and asking questions.  They will then learn the communication strategy that can be applied to many other modules, covering topics including:

  • Setting Goals: Increase contribution by setting and supporting SMART goals
  • Delegating Responsibility: Increase contribution and satisfaction without micromanaging
  • Giving Feedback: Leverage high-performance and correct performance issues with clear, meaningful feedback
  • Inspiring Innovation: Unleash creativity and organizational potential through everyday innovation
  • Managing Change: Maintain engagement during times of change
  • Influencing Others: Create buy-in and advance ideas by building strong relationships and influencing strategically
  • Handling Resistance: Push initiatives forward and maintain relationships by handling resistance effectively
  • Leading Teams: Set up employees for success by leveraging the fundamentals of high-performing teams
  • Leading Virtually: Communicate effectively across a range of communication media to a diverse, global audience


  • Accelerated time-to-market for new product concepts
  • Reduced friction and increased productivity
  • More rapid adoption and implementation of new technology, techniques, and processes
  • Retention of high-value technical talent
  • Smoother, faster transitions for people promoted to leadership roles
  • Leaders who can handle increased span of control
  • A culture where technical experts thrive and a reputation that attracts the best in the business

Key Features:

  • Research-based content and real-world practice scenarios for maximum relevance and impact
  • Modular program design for easy customization and flexible implementation
  • Continuous learning approach with multiple touchpoints to increase engagement and knowledge retention
  • The assessment process for quantifiable improvements


Most companies often overlook challenges faced by their technical employees. While they master their technical capabilities and talent, some often struggle with people skills. It is crucial for every firm to invest in their technical employees by giving them in good hands. If you’re a team lead who is facing trouble in trying to lead technical employees, Leading Technical People+ is the perfect course for you.

To enroll in the course, contact P2L today!

Be a great leader with Leading people+

Up Your Leadership Game With Leading People+

Who is a leader?

A leader is someone who has the potential to influence people and make them believe in him/her. A leader is someone who has dedicated followers and people who look up to him/her.

Who is an effective leader?

An effective leader is someone who understands his/her power and exercises a certain level of moral responsibility. He/she understands what’s good for his/her followers and tries to guide them in the right direction rather than misleading them.

What is the importance of having leaders?

  • Kickstart a plan-A good leader is a person who chalks out the entire plan, decides the role of each team member, and designs strategies for execution.
  • Provide Motivation-An efficient leader encourages his team members to polish their skills and work to their fullest potential. He/she pushes them to aim for the skies and a=eventually achieve success.
  • Provide Guidance-A strong leader acts as a supervisor and a helping hand to his/her employees. A leader helps his/her teammates understand the goals and vision better for them to know how to perform their respective tasks.
  • Create confidence-A leader helps his teammates feel confident about their responsibilities by drawing out clear guidelines for them to function. This helps them perform better and feel driven to pull off their assigned duties.
  • Boost morale-A leader works toward getting his/her employees into confidence and winning their trust. A leader can be a morale booster by recognizing and appreciating his/her employees’ efforts and giving them credit for their performance.
  • Building a healthy work environment: A healthy work environment makes employees comfortable and respected at their workplace. A leader must build a personal connection with his/her teammates to comfort them and make himself/herself approachable. He/she should listen to their problems and help resolve them.

What are the qualities of an effective leader?

Leaders must be equipped with specific skills to forge engagement while unleashing innovation.

For more than 20 years research has shown that leaders:

  • Have distinct workplace needs and leadership challenges
  • Must lead through influence and inspiration rather than authority
  • Have blind spots when it comes to seeing what their teams need and where their leadership falls short
  • Have specific learning preferences (i.e., multiple, shorter sessions, and access to on-demand resources)

What is Leading People+?

Leading People+ is based on proven success with hundreds of leading companies, training thousands of people. It is exclusively designed to equip managers with skills and strategies for engaging and unleashing today’s workers’ knowledge, expertise, independence, and confidence.

Content Modules:

  • Setting Goals
  • Delegating Responsibility
  • Giving Feedback
  • Inspiring Innovation
  • Managing Change
  • Influencing Others
  • Handling Resistance
  • Leading Teams
  • Leading Virtually


  • Accelerated time-to-market for new product concepts
  • Reduced friction and increased productivity
  • More rapid adoption and implementation of new technology, techniques, and processes
  • Retention of high-value talent
  • Smoother, faster transitions for people promoted to leadership roles
  • Leaders who can handle increased span of control
  • A culture where employees thrive and a reputation that attracts the best in the business

Key features:

  • Research-based content and real-world practice scenarios for maximum relevance and impact
  • Modular program design for easy customization and flexible implementation
  • Continuous learning approach with multiple touches points to increase engagement and knowledge retention
  • The assessment process for quantifiable improvements


Every team needs a leader. To devise strategies, set goals, plan execution, and much more. If you have the potential to become a good leader and make your team climb up the success ladder, then Leading People+ is the perfect course for you.

To enroll in this course, contact P2L today!

Importance of Communicating with Clarity in Different Aspects of Life

Communication across the globe has become more convenient thanks to technology; however, it has also made keeping up with the different messages they receive more difficult.

Our constant connections have led to an inability to communicate clearly, which is especially problematic for remote workers.

Many of us have either received or sent unclear messages at some point. In these situations, communication tends to crash and burn, requiring time and effort to rebuild.

How do you communicate effectively? & Why is it important?

Effective communication is the process of delivering, receiving, and comprehending a message successfully between two or more individuals.

It involves sharing information between members of your team in a way that reflects what you want to convey, what you say, and what your audience understands.

What role does clarity play ineffective communication?

To keep the reader interested, your message should be clear so that they don’t wonder what you are talking about. Identify the format you want to use with clarity and examine your goal or purpose.

Readers shouldn’t have to guess what you’re trying to say.

3 Key Ways To Create Clarity in Communication


Communicate the mission of your organization clearly and stay true to it. Building a motivational and engaged team culture begins with this step.

Your staff will feel a sense of belonging when your purpose is communicated clearly, concisely, and consistently to reinforce that they belong to an organization united by a common purpose. 


A clear organizational strategy that aligns with your mission must be determined and communicated.

Concrete short- and long-term objectives should be clearly communicated to encourage each department and project team to develop milestones, which ultimately support the achievement of organization-wide objectives. The consequences of failure can be severe.


Make it clear what each role is responsible for and what expectations there are.

Improve team clarity by encouraging employee feedback so you can better understand the practical needs of your employees.

As a leader, you can build a healthy, sustainable culture for your organization by ensuring clarity of purpose, clarity of strategy, and clarity of responsibilities. You can use clarity to drive your people toward a better future instead of allowing disorder or blaming each other for disengagement.

Communicating with Clarity Course

P2L’s Communicating with Clarity course is designed to help you and all of your employees ensure they are following the major skills that will enable your organization to get its message across and avoid any possible problems.

Learn more about it on P2L’s Leadership Development page!

Time Management

Take Control of Your Time: Learning Time Management

Time Management refers to planning and exercising conscious control of time spent on specific activities to work smarter rather than harder.

Become a master of Time Management and get the most out of your 24 hours in a day. In today’s business climate, every member of the organization is challenged to accomplish more in a given day. This can be difficult and lead to increased stress for employees. Effective time management skills allow you to achieve better results at work and also help you withstand stress and live a more fulfilling life outside of work.

Get Things Done in Less Time!

Here are a few tips from Liquid Planner on managing your precious time!

  • Set a clear focus for your day
  • Plan most important tasks (MITs) earlier in the day
  • Identify and manage disruptions
  • Stop multi-tasking and plan your day in blocks
  • Review your task list at the end of the day

Pro-tip #1 (Courtesy of Forbes): The easiest way to keep track of your time is to download an app like RescueTimeToggl, or my app Calendar to track everything you do for a week. You can then access a report to find out what’s stealing your time.

Pro-tip #2 Don't forget to schedule some buffer time between tasks. Our brains can only focus for about 90-minutes at a time.

Why Should You Focus on Time Management?

Proofhub puts it best:

Poor time management skills at work can result in:

  • Missed deadlines or/and appointments
  • Procrastination and lack of focus
  • Lack of professionalism
  • Inefficient workflow and low work quality
  • Avoidable stress
  • Poor professional reputation
  • Difficult workplace relationships
  • Financial penalties
  • Work and life imbalance

Improving your time management skills at work allows you to enhance your performance and achieve your desired goals with less effort and more effective strategies.

Time Management Half-Day Course 

P2L offers a half-day course called Time Management Half-Day Course for business professionals of all levels to help them extract top productivity from a day's worth of work, every day. 

In this course, participants will learn many time management tools and techniques that not only help them complete their projects and tasks more efficiently but also help them manage their stress load.

This is what you will gain from this course:

  • Define time management
  • Develop an effective planning process
  • Identify time wasters and what to do about them
  • Create an action plan for future development

Building a Global Perspective is important for your future success

A Global Perspective: What is it?

With a global perspective, you gain a deeper understanding of yourself, others, and culture, as well as the dynamics that shape it.

Being aware of globalization and how each region of the world is interconnected economically, politically, and socially play a role in having a global mindset.

What can you do to become more globally aware?

Experiencing a different culture and gaining experience outside your comfort zone are great ways to develop a global perspective.

As a result of long-term cultural exposure, you can develop a heightened sense of normality and learn about how culture shapes values and circumstances.

When you work abroad, you will gain professional experience in an office with a different cultural influence as well as gain a better understanding of how a company operates.

Companies Going Global

Having a global presence requires success in new markets, as well as avoiding cultural pitfalls. Business leaders generally focus on expanding into new languages, opening more offices, supporting new currencies, and so on, but that’s only half the story.

It is vital for companies to be operationally ready to fully realize the potential of their international strategy, and this means integrating global thinking into the culture of their organization.

Let’s take a look at some of the many ways that can be taken to achieve this in order to promote global growth.

Become a globalization guru

It is a common misconception that you can design a product for your home market and introduce it internationally. Finding the links between strategy and execution requires looking at what employees think, not merely what they do.

People should instead think about products, features, campaigns, and processes in terms of their ability to be deployed across multiple markets from the beginning.

Accumulate more international experience

Gaining more international experience is the single best way to accelerate the process of going global, but it’s not easy or quick.

Form a global steering committee

Creating such a group will help identify challenges to your international businesses and create plans to solve them. This is another way to highlight the importance of globalization.

Each division should have a representative attend, along with senior executives, who can discuss key international performance metrics and analyze why certain goals were not achieved.

Building Your Global Perspective Course
P2L’s Building Your Global Perspective course is designed to help you and all of your employees ensure they are following the major skills that will enable your organization to develop a global perspective.

Learn more about it on P2L’s Leadership Development page!

A multigenerational and diverse group listens to a leader speak.

Learn About Authentic Leadership With Leading Out Loud

We live in an ever-evolving world where something that becomes a trend in the morning can become obsolete by the evening. In a fast-paced environment like this, leaders find it hard to add their personal touch when communicating with others. Not many possess the ability to express their thoughts clearly which is foundational to convince others to consider your point of view and believe in your thought.

There are a million people who have great ideas but how many of them have the talent to eloquently present them to others? Few, right? While it is extremely important to have an innovative thought, it is equally crucial to know how to deliver it.

Over the years, organizations have noticed that employees are seeking different means of job satisfaction than just good pay and a healthy working environment. They’re looking for inspirational leaders who can motivate them to perform better in order to reach their utmost potential. Employees are searching for discerning leaders who have impeccable communication skills to bridge the gap between getting people to simply work on projects and empowering people to work on themselves. People commit to leaders they trust and to projects that reflect their values.

Leading out loud is a style of leadership where leaders drive business results through authentic communication. They earn their employees’ trust, motivate them in a way that fuels maximum contribution and commitment to action. Leaders who lead out loud use their communication skills to influence and persuade team members to achieve commitment and work toward a common goal. Their strongest suit is the way they make use of personal experiences and tales about their journey to connect with their teammates. Leaders communicate in their authentic voice to get their team’s commitment and help them feel personally connected to them. This is how they build a relationship and connection with their employees.

If you want to cultivate a personal awareness of how to stay authentic in all your communications with your team, then the Leading Out Loud course is exactly what you need.

What is the Leading Out Loud course about?

The Leading Out Loud course is based on the book by veteran communication consultant Terry Pearce. It is designed as a reflective and practical leadership communication experience where real work gets done. Leading Out Loud provides not only the “what to do” but the “how to” of leadership that inspires change.

To move your organization forward, your top leaders and executives need to gain true commitment versus mere compliance. Leading Out Loud will help them focus energy and sustain morale through volatile business cycles and achieve lasting results. The course will inspire leaders to look inward and connect their business messages with their experiences and what they deeply believe in and care about. The course will also help leaders:

  • Establish competence
  • Build trustworthiness
  • Create shared purpose
  • Engage the hearts and minds of the team members

The Leading Out Loud course equips leaders to:

  • Inspire others to greater engagement, ownership, and action to create positive change
  • Create a culture of authenticity, openness, and candor
  • Connect their personal convictions to organizational strategy
  • Effectively lead change with or without positional authority
  • Apply a framework for communicating inspirationally in all situations, venues, and media
  • Answer the questions:  Who are you and what are you here to do?

Here’s what all you’ll be able to do once you complete the course:

  • Integrate their personal convictions with business priorities
  • Inspire others to action and ownership in creating positive change
  • Create an environment of openness and candor, unleashing more ideas and breakthrough innovation
  • Motivate others in team meetings, coaching situations, presentations, and one-on-one conversations
  • Earn deeper trust and commitment from employees, colleagues, and customers
  • Lead change effectively with or without position power

Core principles:

  • Discover what matters
  • Deepening emotional awareness
  • Connecting with others
  • Disciplining your voice: The communication guide
  • Applying the leadership communication guide

Leading Out Loud Course outcomes:

  • A consistent leadership communication point of view across the organization
  • A conceptual model for authentic communication and the tools to apply it
  • Significant progress on a current business challenge due to reflection, writing, and focused coaching on the clarity and meaning of the leadership’s communication on the issue
  • A new standard for candid conversation and constructive feedback


Leaders of today are having it tough. Personal and hierarchical distance between leaders and their teams has resulted in a cultural craving for authentic and personalized human connection, especially in the workplace. To understand the value of authentic leadership and why it is the need of the hour, enroll in this course.

Contact P2L today!

Effective virtual Leader -A woman with a gray coat is smiling and has her arms open while conducting a meeting on her laptop outside.

Become A Virtual Leader With Leading in a Virtual Environment

Covid-19 has confined all of us within four walls. Working remotely has become a new norm. Most companies are smoothly transitioning and embracing this change while some are grappling with the situation. Over the last 15 months, we have seen a dramatic change in the way we work, communicate, live and lead. Working remotely has made us too comfortable at our own homes but has posed numerous challenges for team leads to connect with their members virtually.

Managers are struggling to monitor their employees and their performance. They are trying to find new ways to boost their team’s morale and productivity. Organizations are finding it hard to maintain relationships with both their employees and customers. What adds to their plight is the constant disruptions in technology. Half of their problem lies in dealing with virtually illiterate employees and the other half is worrying about cybersecurity or privacy breach.

Connecting virtually doesn’t have the same effect as meeting in person, but do we really have a choice anymore? Given that working remotely is the new normal, it’s imperative for companies to adapt to the change.

Leading a team virtually has its challenges. So, naturally, leaders have to up their game. Leading a team remotely is a true test of a person’s leadership skills. The basics of being a strong leader remain the same, but a leader must come up with unique techniques to manage his/her team well when working remotely. A good leader must be more proactive, deliberate, and determined to make sure he/she can foster teamwork remotely.

Qualities of a good virtual leader:

  • Connect with the team

Everyone is fighting their own battles and is new to the concept of working remotely. A good virtual leader should connect with his/her teammates to lay a clear vision and set reasonable goals. A shared sense of purpose helps team members work in tandem with each other achieving better results.

  • Communicate proactively

Communication helps overcome all barriers. With everything happening online, it’s important for team leads to check up on their team members from time to time. Whether it’s conducting regular ins regarding their life or deliverables, or virtual team lunches, managers must proactively communicate with their employees. Digital dependence often hampers all forms of non-verbal communication. So, it is crucial for leaders to talk to their team members and not assume they’re doing okay. Leaders can engage timely by conducting virtual meetings to stay up to date about the employee’s deadlines and work progress. This also strengthens relationships and helps break the hierarchy in some way.

  • Master technology

There are countless people who’re not very comfortable with technology and some even resent it. A good virtual leader must be up to date with all technological trends to keep his/her team on top of all trends. Not only should he/she be technologically sound but also help his/her teammates learn new skills to increase their productivity.

If you want to master these skills and be a good virtual leader, Leading in a Virtual Environment is the perfect course for you. Read on to know more!

What is Leading in a Virtual Environment all about?

BlessingWhite has created Leading in a Virtual Environment (LIVE), a one-day course for those leading others across distance. This workshop presents leadership fundamentals and then applies them to actual virtual leadership situations. It offers tools and strategies to make leaders more effective virtually. Participants learn and use skills and tools through a mix of instruction, lecture, simulation, and practice. Their learning is enhanced by direct input from their virtual associates and direct feedback from workshop peers.

What are the course outcomes?

  • Increase the environment of trust and productivity with virtual team members
  • Use four Critical Communication Skills essential to virtual leadership
  • Apply feedback from virtual associates and be equipped to lead productive Virtual Partnership Discussions
  • Develop best practices for virtual team meetings and conference calls
  • Lead virtually with more effectiveness as Coach, Connector, and Campaigner
  • Develop strategies and carry out action plans for enhancing their own virtual leadership style and practices
  • Leading in a Virtual Environment


The pandemic has changed the way we function now and by the looks of it, we won’t be going back to working the way we did earlier. So, be an early adopter and equip yourself with the skills to lead your team virtually. Enroll in the Leading in a Virtual Environment (LIVE) course and become an effective virtual leader who finds ways to stay connected with the team and cultivate a sense of belonging and trust among the members.

Contact P2L today!

Managing Professional Growth

Leadership Essentials: Managing Professional Growth

All valuable employees demand challenging and meaningful work. They want to keep learning, growing, and contributing to their companies. Hence, it is crucial for employers to assist them in developing their skill sets and allow them the autonomy to make decisions that affect their work. According to Achievers, not only will it keep employees happy in their jobs and increase retention, but it also builds a skilled team of people who have the ability to perform multiple job functions. Leading employers know how important it is to place employees’ professional development at the heart of company policy. Talented professionals want to work for a company that will help them to build skills and knowledge and further their careers.

Glassdoor suggests that employee growth and professional development initiatives are a great way for businesses to keep employees satisfied and committed. Udemy found that 42 percent of employees said that learning and development were the most important benefits when deciding where to work.

Through a proactive approach towards employee growth and professional development strategies, leaders can mitigate employee turnover and encourage more productivity.

Here is a compilation list of ways to manage employee professional growth:

  • Promote virtual training and learning
  • Encourage mentoring, coaching, and job shadowing
  • Rotate employee roles and responsibilities
  • Take a personal interest in an employee’s career aspirations.
  • Support work-life balance
  • Give recognition, incentives, and rewards
  • Offer real-time feedback in addition to annual Reviews
  • Use Learning Management Systems (LMS)
  • Identify and Develop Soft Skills
  • Implement Cross-Departmental Training Programs
  • Allocate new projects or responsibilities to employees
  • Facilitate Knowledge sharing within the organization
  • Encourage employees to attend industry conferences/events

Why Should You Focus on Managing Professional Growth?

Business strategies and performance management systems can be top-notch. Rewards and accountability checks may be well-established and enforced. Yet, one of the most persistent challenges organizations face is obtaining top productivity and commitment from the people who do the work.

Managing Professional Growth Full-Day Course (MPG)

P2L offers a one-day course called Managing Professional Growth Full-Day Course (MPG) for business leaders of all levels to help them extract top productivity and commitment from the people who do organizational work.

The course equips leaders with personal insights, robust performance feedback, and a proven employee-manager conversation structure focused on increased engagement, development, and mutual success.

This is what you will gain from this course:

  • A clear personal definition of success and satisfaction
  • Increased clarity of work expectations and priorities
  • Ideas for addressing development needs and leveraging talents to achieve results
  • A detailed action-oriented Growth Conversation plan for enlisting their manager’s support
  • Increased motivation and targeting development for their current role

Click here to get more details about the course and connect with P2L. 

Have some questions? Ask away!

How High-Performing Teams Can Help Your Company Succeed

It is clear that if you have never led or worked within a high-performing team, you have not experienced one of the most rewarding experiences of your professional career.

What is a High-Performing Team?


A team is a collection of highly qualified members aligned with a common business objective committed to sharing important values and vision.

Their results are consistent and reliable owing to their ability to solve problems creatively and efficiently.

Although the fact is, no team is perfect, but it’s not impossible to be part of a high-performing team.

How to Build the Optimal Team?

Now let’s dive into some of the key factors that can make your organizational teams better than ever.

Understand your employees better

Knowledge of your employees is important. Knowing what motivates, pushes, and frustrates them will help you form the best team you can. 

Planning is always better than your intuitive feeling when it comes to building high-performance teams. Spend some time with each employee, both inside and outside the office, to get a better insight.

 Getting a clear picture of your options will make the process much more quick and easy.

Define roles clearly

 Each member must be clear about his role. Any miscommunication at the individual level will adversely affect the team as a whole.

 The roles assigned must be compatible. High-performing teams don’t do it by instinct. Their decisions need to be driven by a defined logic.

 Working together effectively requires members to be aware of their responsibilities.

Don’t hold back on innovation

Keep your team members’ imaginations flowing and let them find creative new ways to solve business problems.

 It’s best to criticize an idea if you’re going to put constructive criticism into practice no matter how foolish it may sound at first glance.  Innovation reaches us from unlikely places. Maybe that person who doesn’t look like one has some great ideas in his mind.

 Feel free to express yourself.

High-Performing Teams Course

A high-performing team is a strong asset to any company. One could also say they have a competitive edge. The task of building teams must be taken seriously in modern organizations.

It is difficult to believe that tens of thousands of dollars are spent on recruiting new employees only to fail miserably at discovering their true capabilities.

However, to ensure your workplace excels in that area, P2L has the course you need!
It will teach you all the skills that create a High-Performing team allowing your organization to succeed.

Learn more about it on the following P2L webpage.

Why Value Selling is Important for Your Business’s Growth

Value Selling: What is it?

This type of selling emphasizes what the product or service can offer the customer.

This concept encourages Sales teams to understand the client better to make more accurate offers based on their needs. As a result, the seller makes a convincing argument about the benefit they offer can bring to the customer’s business.

These offers are designed to exceed the expectations of the client, detailing the benefits that are to be acquired.

How does it work?

This sales approach’s main concept is that price is not synonymous with value.

Whether you will pay for a product or service is its cost, that is, its price. The value is found in the benefits this investment offers. We must not forget that Value Selling focuses on product/service important benefits in comparison to its price when considering why this approach is appropriate.

Sometimes the client isn’t even aware that they have a specific need before the sales team mentions it. This is the part where the product gains its value.

In what way does it matter?

If a sales team can set up a negotiation process based on the offer’s benefits to the potential customer, then they will gain excellent results.

Let’s closely examine some of the possible benefits and how important it is to competitors in the market.


Price consistency is assured
Value selling is crucial in preventing price reductions. That’s why customers need to understand the product’s features.

It leaves fewer negotiation opportunities to ask for lower prices when focusing on the benefits. In this case, they recognize that the amount they can pay is fair in light of the number of problems they will be solving.

Meanwhile, the seller has more arguments to support the prices they have set.

Converts Objections into Sales

At the beginning of the sales process, sellers face objections that often prove insurmountable. If the sales team exclusively focuses on the solution’s benefits, it is possible to maximize the chances of benefit acceptance.

Providing a solution for the client’s problems can change their perception of the service’s value. As such, the remaining process takes place much more rapidly.

Increase sales

When working with value selling, sales teams with more qualifications can persuade prospects more convincingly. Before any contact with the client, the sales process should be initiated.

To devise the perfect offer, sellers must examine the companies’ needs.

After this has been achieved, the next step likely involves connecting a solution with what a client desires. Only then will there be a feeling that a perfect offer is being provided.

Value Selling Course

To make promotions more accurate and shorter for your sales team. Employees who can deliver value over price would stand out in markets. P2L is offering the perfect course for you!

Learn more about it on our P2L Sales course page.