What is Unconscious Bias?
Unconscious bias refers to attitudes or prejudices that influence our perspectives, actions, and ability to make decisions. The scientific evidence is compelling in this area. It reveals how unconscious bias is activated automatically and influences how we think daily. It also has an impact on hiring and assessment processes, as well as contributing to a lack of diversity in the workforce.
Everyone is biased, yet the phrase bias makes some individuals feel as if they’re being slandered. So, while you’re reading this blog, I’d like to put your mind at ease. I’d like to invite you to be open to new ideas if you’ve come here because you’re curious about the title you just read.
Why unconscious bias matters to business?
Every decision made regarding a person costs us and the firm money, from the time we’re employed until the time we’re promoted, passed over, fired, or quit and when we make a bad mistake, we rush to the nearest online employment evaluation site to leave a negative review.
When you factor in the prejudice that occurs throughout the writing of the job description, the start of recruiting, the conduct of interviews, the making of hiring decisions, and the consideration of promotions, the issue becomes even more complicated.
Bias has a big impact on our careers, even if each bias is small. The consequences are serious and multiplying. And, while we continue to raise awareness about unconscious prejudice, we must remember that candidates are beginning to evaluate job offers based on a company’s reputation and diversity management.
The impact of bias
It’s natural to look for coworkers with whom we have something in common when we’re at work. Perhaps we grew up in the same town, have children who are friends in common, attended the same school, or have friendships or networks.
While it’s natural to want to share things in common, it’s critical that we don’t let our familiarity influence our decisions. Unconscious bias occurs when people make judgements based on preference or similar background. Employees leave the organization when they see others promoted based on relationships rather than merit. Employee turnover caused by unconscious bias is a costly blunder.
Turnover is expected to cost businesses $22,000 per employee. That is a substantial sum. Worse, some sources estimate the cost of replacing an employee earning $100,000 or more per year to be significantly greater. On the other hand, training and development to make your staff aware of unconscious bias costs a fraction of that, at only $1200 per employee.
So, why not use training to re-engage your employees? It’s a lot less expensive and better for employee morale. What if we invest in training and development for our employees and they leave? What happens if we don’t and they stay, is the response.
Have you ever worked somewhere where there was unconscious bias, a lack of diversity, or inequality? How was it dealt with? What ideas would you offer to make your workplace a better place to work? Because we can both be victims and perpetrators of unconscious bias, the impact of bias is complicated. However, if we commit to remain vigilant, we can begin to have a good impact.
So, what are we going to do with all of this new information?
Understanding and combating your own personal, unconscious bias is the first step toward leading and being a member of an inclusive team. Learners will develop critical self-awareness by identifying potential blind bias, learn practical, easy-to-apply bias-fighting tools, and construct an action plan to maintain bias awareness across the business in this programme. I hope you liked learning about this unusual subject and found it useful. It doesn’t have to be difficult to address unconscious prejudice and diversity challenges. And by working together, we can improve the lives and livelihoods of many more people. To learn more about this training programme contact P2L.