Everyone has their method of communication, and people may switch between styles based on the situation, audience and experience. Nonetheless, we all have communication styles that come naturally to us. Recognizing the underlying differences between diverse communication styles will enable you to effectively communicate with anyone, regardless of their — or your — intuitive type.
P2L’s Business communication styles assessment will give you an idea of your leading communication style and four major styles, under which you can categorize the majority of speakers, knowing their strengths and challenges they face you can adapt the style as required to communicate effectively. Each type of Business communication style has distinct characteristics that set it apart from the others.
Let’s look at the differences between these approaches and the style they might find challenging to deal with :
Your question is usually “What?”. You value results, doing and achieving. You know your objectives. You are down-to-earth, direct and decisive. You are energetic and make quick decisions.
As a Transcender, you get along best with other Transcenders outside of work. But you may argue frequently with Transcenders at work, but usually over the best way to do things and without emotion.
You get along well with Systematicians because they are “How?” people, who are focused on accuracy and facts.
Strategists and Socializers are more difficult for you to work with, because they both like lengthy discussions, and are much more concerned about the importance of ideas and relationships than you are.
Your question is usually “WHY?”. You value innovation, ideas and theories. You know your master plan. You are imaginative, charismatic, proactive, creative but sometimes unrealistic.
As a Strategist, you get along with other Strategists because they are too passionate about their ideas and the possibilities of improving the world. You get along well with Socializers because they are “Who?” people, and are always ready to share stories and have a lengthy conversation.
Transcenders and Systematicians are more difficult for you to work with because they both focus on brevity and are either too heavily focused on the results (the What) or the details of “How?” which are not as interesting to you as the “Why?”
Your usual question is “Who?” You value people, teamwork, cooperation, feelings and beliefs. You know relationships. You are empathetic, warm, perceptive and sensitive.
As a Socializer, you get along with other Socializers, especially and can discuss common friends at length. You also get along with Strategists or “Why?” people who are passionate about their ideas and happy to discuss them with you.
Transcenders and Systematicians are more difficult for you to work with because they both focus on brevity and are either too heavily focused on the results ( the What) or the details of ” How?” which are not as interesting to you as the ” Who?”, or the people involved.
Your question is “How?”
You value facts, procedures, organization, analysis, proof and details. You know your methodology. You are Patient, factual, systematic, wordy and unemotional.
As a Systematician, you get along very well with other Systematicians especially if their logic and observations match with yours. You also get along with Transcenders or “What?” people and appreciate their brevity and focus on results.
Strategists and Socializers are more difficult for you to work with because they both engage in dialogue that strays from the topic or are too focused on their feelings and relationships rather than how the job should be done.
Effective workplace communication is critical because it not only helps you achieve your daily objectives but also has a big impact on your career. The business communication styles of both you and your colleague are crucial to a successful partnership.
Understanding your particular communication style will assist you in communicating more successfully, as well as being heard and listened to. The term “communication” covers a wide range of topics. It includes topics like goal clarity, strategy clarity, transparency, engaging and influencing others, persuading others, bargaining, articulating ideas, and so on.
P2L encourages you to take this assessment, to know your business communication style and adapt it in your conversation with your colleagues, clients and stakeholders, by identifying theirs.