Building Your Self-esteem and Assertiveness Skills Online Training

Building your self-esteem and assertiveness skills - A woman is looking at herself in the mirror.


Self-esteem is your overall opinion of yourself and how you feel about your capabilities and limitations.


Having high self-esteem is important because it can influence your decision-making process, personal and professional relationships, motivation levels, and overall well-being. Employees who are confident and have high self-esteem are typically able to focus better, need less time off, and are likely to get along well with coworkers.


Normally, a person’s job can be a source of positive self-esteem. However, some jobs can be more demanding than others, thus creating unnecessary stress and frustration. Some issues that may lower an employee’s self-esteem are high pressure to always be productive, unending hours of work, and lack of acknowledgement of effort.


Leaders can help boost their employee’s self-esteem by enrolling them to P2L’s Building Your Self-esteem and Assertiveness Skills Course. This course will help your employees to :


  • Recognize that they have worth and are worthy of happiness
  • Develop techniques for eliminating unhealthy thought patterns and replacing them with supportive patterns
  • Learn how to turn negative thoughts into positive thoughts
  • Learn how to make requests so that they get what they want
  • Set goals that reflect their dreams and desires and reinforce healthy patterns


If you need more tips on how you can encourage them, here are 8 ways for an employee to improve self-esteem :


8 ways to improve your self-esteem


  1. Learn new skills

Learning a new skill will not only enhance your skill set, but it will also boost your self-esteem. Pick skills that are relevant and useful to your job now. You’ll feel confident in performing your role when you know and understand what you’re doing. Develop skills that will also help you achieve your personal goals. 


      2. Avoid negative self-talk

We are our own worst critic. Rather than focusing on the mistakes you made, focus on the things you learned along the way. Challenge your inner critic and dispute negative thoughts. Practice speaking to yourself with more compassion and kindness.


     3. Dress for success

Believe it or not, how you dress for work plays a big part in boosting your confidence. Wearing clothes that you feel comfortable and confident in can make you feel more positive in performing your role. Consider your office wardrobe and dress up according to the work attire required.


     4. Capitalize on your strengths 

Research shows that focusing and using your strengths can boost confidence and self-esteem. You’ll feel more confident doing things you already know. 

Learn to identify your weaknesses too. Your weaknesses can teach you a lot about yourself. Develop your weaknesses and turn them into strengths.


     5. Explore outside your comfort zone

This may sound counterintuitive, but trying things outside of your comfort zone can boost your self-esteem and confidence. Leaving your comfort zone can present you with new opportunities that you might otherwise have missed. You’ll also learn and experience new things that will help you improve your work performance.


     6. Ask questions

Don’t be afraid to ask questions. Performing your tasks incorrectly just because you felt shy or scared is not the best way to boost your self-esteem. Be assertive and always ask when you’re unsure of something that was said. This can also encourage your peers and team members who are still building up their confidence to speak up. Managers and leaders will see this as a sign that you are always willing to learn.


     7. Learn from your leaders and peers

Consider your peers and leaders in the workplace who appear confident and observe their habits and traits. You can try and apply their strategies to develop your own self-esteem and self-confidence.


      8. Track your progress

Tracking and writing your progress is a sure-fire way to boost your confidence. It will help you remember all the things you did and achieved already. You can also look at your list whenever you’re feeling down and frustrated. No matter how small your progress is, celebrate it.


Contact P2L for any questions or inquiries.

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