In the last few years, the need to invest in your employees has become more apparent. A lot of businesses thought this meant they had to invest in reskilling and upskilling their employees. Yes, that’s needed too, especially during these tough times. But, investing in your employees can also mean investing in their well-being.
Employee well-being refers to your employee’s overall physical, mental, emotional, and economic health.
Research shows that work-related stress disorders, like anxiety or depression are causing employees to take an average of 28.5 sick days a year. Globally, it costs $322 billion of turnover and lost productivity due to employee burnout. Stressed and overwhelmed employees are expensive.
What can you do to help your employees?
- Identify possible causes of stress
Find the cause of their stress in the workplace. Is the workload too high? Is coworker gossip an issue? Or is the distance and time spent in commute the major stressor? Whatever their reason is, acknowledge it and see what you can do to help them.
2. Implement mental health programs
There are a lot of ways to help your employees’ mental health. You can enroll them in stress management workshops, grant them mental health leave days, or even just by encouraging them to go see a therapist to help them process what they’re feeling. This may be a huge investment, but 70% of employees who enrolled in mental health programs at work said they had improved job satisfaction. And many of these programs are covered by existing employee benefit programs.
3. Encourage mindfulness
Mindfulness is being present and becoming aware of your thoughts and feelings as they occur. A study found that mindfulness meditation in the workplace improved productivity and absenteeism dropped by 85%. Ten days of mindfulness meditation has been shown to reduce aggression by 57% and increase compassion by 23%.
4. Schedule fun activities for your employees
Schedule a game day, happy hour after work, or company outing for your employees. This will help them de-stress and look forward to something that’s not work related. You’ll also get a chance to know more about your employees’ personal lives through these activities.
5. Acknowledge them and their hard work
As human beings, we all want to be appreciated for the hard work we do. The same goes for your employees. 77% of employees say they would work harder if they were more appreciated. This is why it’s important to recognize their hard work. Even small gestures like praising them for a project they did will do.
By investing in your employees’ well-being, you’ll have low employee turnover and your company’s reputation will attract a lot of clients. People want to support businesses who care for not just themselves, but also their employees.