Health and Safety Awareness Training
Health and Safety Awareness
Explore the fundamental safety measures that help reduce the risk of hazardous chemicals
in the workplace. Workers in contact with hazardous chemicals must understand the risks associated with the substances that they are working with, whether workers use hazardous chemicals daily or as infrequently as once a year, it is essential that they understand hazard classes and communication, WHMIS pictograms and labels, as well as safety data sheets, and more. The most important thing in any workplace is the safety of the the people in it; WHMIS guidelines help to ensure that your organization is as safe as possible for everyone.
Employers must ensure that employees complete a basic occupational health and safety awareness training program. Employers must maintain a record of training completed by workers and supervisors. Ontario Ministry of Labour provides a number of resources and tools to help workplaces comply with the training requirements.
Establishing and Posting : Joint Occupational Health and Safety Committee
Employers must post and keep posted the names and work locations of members of the joint health and safety committee or representative in a conspicuous place in the workplace where they are most likely to come to the attention of workers.
A committee is required in each workplace that employs 20 or more workers. Committee membership is equally divided between employee and employer representatives. In workplaces with 20 to 49 workers the committee must have two (2) members for workplaces with 50 or more workers, the committee must have four (4) members.
In workplaces where the number of workers exceeds 5 but is fewer than 20, the workers must select, from among themselves, one person to be a “health and safety representative” who is committed to improving health and safety conditions in the workplace.
Organizational Objective
• Added Confidence in Staff Ability and Proficiency
• Increases Safety Awareness in the Work Culture
• Develops a Consistent Standard For All Members Across the Organization
• Builds Worker Confidence and Understanding of Regulations
• Helps Mitigate the Risk of Litigation
• Photo Verification Provides Proof of Training
• Self-pacing Provides Proof that Learners Understood Training
• Satisfaction that Program is developed in line with CCOHS Standards
Learning Objective
Display and Promote Positive Practices Around Hazardous Chemicals
• Determine Appropriate Procedures in Accordance With WHMIS Classification
• Successfully Observe Hazard Classes
• Comfortably Understand Safety Data Sheets
• Effectively Comprehend Hazard Communication
• Uphold and Encourage Regulation Awareness
• Confidently Recognise and Identify WHMIS Pictograms and Labels
• Understand and Adhere to Supplier Labels
For more information about this course, please contact P2L.