Managers Supporting the Progression of Women
Industry: Leadership Development
Location : Virtual and In-Person
Language : English
About this course
Managers Supporting the Progression of Women
Managers have a crucial role in creating the conditions for everyone in their team to succeed. It is, however, undeniable that where we see gender pay gaps, a lack of equity or parity of opportunity, managers may need to explore a different approach to supporting the women in their own teams.
This course is delivered as either an essential complement to your existing gender initiatives or a standalone activity, this workshop addresses ways in which managers may support both their direct reports and the progression of women more generally.
The workshops are tailored to your individual starting point, brought to life with your own gender pipeline data and delivered in the context of your journey towards the transparency and accountability needed to drive change within your organization.
When delivered virtually, we offer ease of reach across geographies, minimizing travel time and expense while delivering powerful and practical messages.
You can find more information on how organizations can support the women in their team here or visit our website for any inquiries
Course Outline
Module 1 - The Business Case
We begin to explore the reasons why managers may need to adapt their own leadership style to support women more widely.
Module 2 - The Double Bind for Women
In this module, we enable participants to understand that perceptions of how women should behave as leaders can create a double bind.
Module 3 - Addressing the Blockages
This module offers practical tips and actions for managers to help mitigate both real and hidden blockages.
Module 4 - Supporting the Development
This optional module help managers discover practical ways in which they can support and ensure commitment using pre and post-workshop meetings. We explain what they need to ask, and how they can help and support.