In this digital age, it is essential for every business to have its own custom-made learning management system. Irrespective of the size of your organization, you can set up an LMS for continuous skill advancement of your employees. If you are a business owner looking to set up a learning management system for your staff, get in touch with us now! We can help customize a system that’s just perfect for you. If you are new to LMS, I am sure you are curious to know everything about it. Don’t fret, we got you covered.
What is an LMS?
Learning management system (LMS) in simple words, is a digital portal for training and development for employees of an organization. Unlike in the past, where training meant that learners come together in a classroom to gain new skills, now, LMS allows them to learn as they go using online programs with just a click of a mouse. These learn-on-demand sessions help employees gain the skills on the job and continuously.
Why is LMS beneficial over traditional learning?
LMS has many advantages over in-class training. While training your employees is vital for businesses to grow. By setting up a customized learning management system, companies staff development objectives are met at a significantly lower cost as learning takes place online in a single software platform, thus avoiding all the expenses incurred at a physical venue.
How does LMS work?
We can incorporate training management systems into the company’s internal network. LMS delivers training via virtual classrooms, on demand videos, augmented reality, interactive courses, quizzes, games, and surveys. Since these courses are setup online, learners can choose to learn at their own pace and time, from anywhere, and on any topic of choice. LMS is gaining popularity with the increase in remote working environments.
What are some of the key benefits LMS can give your organization?
In no particular order, let’s look at the top 6 advantages of LMS for businesses.
Cost Effective
Workshops to train employees include expenses such as renting a facility, arranging for training material for participants, and taking care of the boarding and lodging expenses of the attendees.
Learning management systems are significantly more cost effective compared to traditional classroom training. Companies can totally avoid all the above expenses in a virtual learning set up, thus reducing costs drastically.
Time Efficient
Consider the increase in congestion in cities and the time lost in commuting from one place to another. It’s another story when employees travel between cities and countries to take part in training and development programs. The number of work hours lost will directly affect the productivity numbers.
LMS is available to employees at their fingertips on their laptops or computers. Further, microlearning programs allow learners to upgrade their skills with its bite sized curriculums. Lastly, on-demand learning allows people to learn the exact tech or soft skill that they are looking for at a particular time.
Flexible Learning Experience
Learning management systems allow learners to keep track of their progress in a chosen course. They have flexibility to start multiple courses at a time and learn as they go. Employees, irrespective of their location, receive the same content, which keeps the quality of the learning program consistent. And it keeps your organization unified because they use the same terminology and “speak the same language”.
Automated Data Capture
LMS, also referred to as the learning activity management system, collects and stores data for future reference. The system tracks progress, hours spent in learning, the number of completed and pending certifications, helps identify which skills employees are finding difficult/easy to learn and the feedback provided by the learners. These metrics aid in designing future learning plans that are beneficial for the company. Furthermore, this is a very useful tool for staffing teams to look up the employees with similar skills to fill in when needed, or to plan for the staffing of upcoming projects.
Engaging & Entertaining
Modern learning experience platforms referred to as LXP’s are gaining popularity with generation Z and it will continue to evolve with generation Alpha. With their intuitive UX designs, these new age learning methods make learning activity more fun and effective. Further, these learning applications allow learners to develop skills through simple short quizzes, simulation activities, and other virtual interactive games. Learning essential soft skills through P2L’s latest custom game – Elite Commander, is certain to enhance your businesses learning ecosystem.

Encourages Employee Retention
Retention of employees is a challenge that most businesses suffer. Offering advanced learning platforms keeps them motivated to continue with your organization. WIIFM—‘What’s in it for me?’ is a question that’s posed upon every hiring manager and when companies have a LMS that offers skills a step ahead of their industry, it gives them the edge not only with hiring of new employees, but with retention as well.
If you’re thinking about pivoting your organization’s learning technology or perhaps starting an online learning system for the first time, think no further. Just send all your questions to