Handling Conflict
Duration: 3 hours
Industry: Leadership Development
Location : Virtual
Language : English
About this course
Conflict is an inevitable dynamic in the work environment. Unfortunately, it usually carries a negative connotation. Conflict, in and of itself, is neither “good” nor “bad”. What makes a conflict situation productive or destructive is the way in which issues and information are analyzed, approached, and communicated. Successful teams and managers have the ability to not only address but utilize differences in a way that increases the overall strength of the team. This course teaches the skills and perspectives that are necessary to effectively manage conflict.
Dissolving conflict or dealing with it among team members can increase employee morale and productivity. To assist you, here are a few suggestions:
Encourage teammates to solve conflict on their own – A wise parent knows to avoid interfering in sibling disputes at all costs. As a leader, you can escalate a conflict by interfering with spirited disagreements.
Rather than in someone’s office, we recommend that disputing team members meet in a neutral place to resolve their differences, such as a conference room.
Distinguish between differences of opinion and conflict – Some people enjoy playing the critic to attack others’ viewpoints as a form of amusement. It is key to examine the reasons why you feel uncomfortable when confronted.
In the event of two people expressing different ideas, try increasing your comfort level. If handled properly, disagreements can be a driving force for progress and innovation inside an organization.
Codes of conduct – Many companies have codes of conduct written into their corporate policies and/or corporate cultures, however, others do not.
Your team might benefit from creating a set of rules if you hear offensive comments or notice signs of workplace harassment.
Intervention is sometimes necessary – Coworkers are sometimes unable to resolve conflicts on their own. Make sure they know that you are available to act as a sounding board and you are also happy to act as a mediator if they need it.
Conversations that are difficult but necessary can lead to more cooperative relationships that lead to success.
For more information, please check this blog from P2L, as well as this article.
What Will You Accomplish?
In this course you will learn:
- Recognize the five styles of conflict resolution and how to best adapt your style and approach to a conflict situation
- Understand your preferred style of conflict resolution
- Apply the Stop, Yield, Go Model to collaborative conflict resolution
- Apply techniques to managing emotions during conflict
- Explain assumptions and their effect on conflict
- Use active-listening skills to improve the working environment
- Apply assertive language techniques to express your needs and respect the needs of others