Systems Operations on Amazon Web Services
Is Systems Operations your next career aspiration? Or are you a sysop/ administrator wanting to apply your technical skills to AWS-based system operator roles?
You are in the right place!
If you’re knee-deep in the IT industry and love working with data and computer systems, sysops might be the perfect role for you. If you haven’t considered sysops, this is your chance to explore what this position has to offer. Watch this video to know more about SysOps.
What do system operators do?
A Systems Operations (sysop) job requires running a computer server. A sysop or system operator runs the daily operations of a server. A related job also uses the term administrator for the role. In large computer systems, a system operator performs and monitors daily operations at the computer while an administrator is responsible for managing user access and security. In small computer systems, the administrator and the sysop tend to be the same person.
Take a look at some job opportunities for System Operators in the market today.
Systems Operations on Amazon Web Services is right for you!
P2L has partnered up with Amazon Web Services to create the perfect course for current and/or aspiring system operators.
In case you are completely new to AWS, here is a link to the introductory course Essentials for Getting Started – AWS Technical Essentials course that you can begin with. You can become an AWS Sytems Operator even if you do not know anything about AWS. The foundational course introduces you to the AWS platform from where you can go pretty much anywhere. Here is a great blog post about the beginner AWS course to get you off on the right foot.
For more information, please follow this link to getting started on Amazon Web Services section of the Amazon website, as well as this P2L blog on System Operations on Amazon Web Services.
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