Mirantis Docker

One of The Top Mirantis Course’s You Need On Your Resume

What is Docker Swarm?

An orchestration tool like Docker swarm manages multiple containers deployed across multiple hosts. Docker swarms provide high levels of availability to applications, which is one of the main benefits of this technology.

Major Benefits of Docker Swarm

  1. It includes the ability to connect multiple hosts with Docker at the same time.
  2. It is a relatively easy process. In comparison to other platforms of a similar nature, starting with Docker Swarm is incredibly simple. 
  3.  Updates are performed constantly -The configuration for containers is saved in Swarm. As container updates are done in batches when you update configuration, the service is always available by default
  4. Configuration in a declarative manner. The replicas will automatically be scheduled based on given constraints if you specify what you want and how many replicas are needed.
  5. High levels of availability mean the cluster consists of two types of nodes: the master and the worker. Among the masters is the leader. Leaders are replaced if one fails. Similarly, during a failure of a worker host, all containers will be reassigned to other nodes.

    If Docker Swarm is something you’re interested in learning more about, you’ve come to the right place. P2L is offering you one of the best Docker Swarm courses by Mirantis!

    Mirantis – CN110: Docker Swarm Application Essentials

    This course will teach you what a containerized application looks like when it is orchestrated by Docker Swarm. It covers scheduling workloads across clusters, networking stateless and stateful applications, provisioning dynamic configuration and persistent storage, and scaling highly available applications.

    Prerequisite Courses

    Containerization Essentials – CN100: Cloud Native

    Which Candidates Can Benefit

    Motivated by developing, maintaining, and managing Docker-based containerized applications. IT professionals & general technical audiences.

Skills You Will Acquire

The following are some of the major skills you will learn throughout this course.


  • Workloads for networking swarms
  • Consistent storage provisioning
  • Creating a Swarm and configuring it
  • Workload deployment on Swarm
  • Providing dynamic configurations
  • Application rollouts and upgrades
  • Control of the scheduling process

So what are you waiting for? Contact P2L and enroll today!



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