The ForgeRock Course To Take Your Career To The Next Level

What is ForgeRock Used For?

In terms of identity and access management (IAM), ForgeRock Access Management is the most comprehensive and flexible single solution in the market today.

P2L is excited to announce it is going to offer ForgeRock’s Access Management Core Concepts course, one of the top ForgeRock courses. If this sounds like something you would be interested in, you’re in for a treat!

What is the course about?

In this structured course, students will have the opportunity to observe demonstrations and learn by doing. Lab exercises will ensure that attendees fully comprehend the topics covered. ForgeRock® Access Management (AM) solutions for students provide a solid foundation for their design, installation, configuration, and administration. Students will be presented with the core concepts of access management, then demonstrated many of the features of access management including many ready-to-use features.


Who can benefit from this course?

In this course, you will learn how to manage a successful deployment of ForgeRock AM. You will receive training on the following topics.

  • Integrators of systems 
  • Consultants for IT systems
  •  System Architects 
  • Developers of system software
  • Administrators for different systems

Required prerequisites

To complete this course successfully, you need to have the following prerequisites:

  • The ability to use Unix/Linux commands and text editing
  • An appreciation of HTTP and web applications
  • A basic understanding of how directory servers work
  • Java knowledge would be useful
  • Experience with programming is not required.

Learning Objectives

  • AM default authentication
  • Control access to web agents with web agents
  • The basic self-registration flow for users can be enabled
  • Set up intelligent authentication using trees
  • Set up an identity store
  • Retrieving information about users with REST
  • Control access by configuring policies

And many more.

If you are eager to learn more or you are planning on enrolling in the course, contact P2L today!




It’s Your Career: Work For The Now & Prepare For The Next

It’s Your Career: Work For The Now & Prepare For The Next

Remember the time when we were kids and used to dream about becoming a pilot, doctor, actor, and other things without really knowing what it takes to pursue these professions? Well, if there’s one thing life has taught us that is to dream big but also seek tools and information to achieve those goals. It’s okay not immediately know your career progression but it is crucial to explore your options and plan your future.

How to make a career plan?

MIT lists steps to an effective career plan which encapsulates both long-term and short-term goals:

  1. Identify Your Options. Develop a refined list of career options by examining your interests, skills, and values through self-assessment. Narrow your career options by reviewing career information, researching companies, and talking to professionals in the field. You can further narrow your list when you take part in experiences such as shadowing, volunteering, and internships.
  2. Prioritize. It’s not enough to list options. You must prioritize. What are your top skills? What interests you the most? What’s most important to you? Whether it’s intellectually challenging work, family-friendly benefits, the right location, or a big paycheck, it helps to know what matters to you — and what’s a deal-breaker. We provide skills and values assessments–set up an appointment with a Career Advisor to take advantage of this service.
  3. Make Comparisons. Compare your most promising career options against your list of prioritized skills, interests, and values.
  4. Consider Other Factors. You should consider factors beyond personal preferences. What is the current demand for this field? If the demand is low or entry is difficult, are you comfortable with risk? What qualifications are required to enter the field? Will it require additional education or training? How will selecting this option to affect you and others in your life? Gather advice from friends, colleagues, and family members. Consider potential outcomes and barriers for each of your final options.
  5. Make a Choice. Choose the career paths that are best for you. How many paths you choose depends upon your situation and comfort level. If you’re early in your planning, then identifying multiple options may be best. You may want several paths to increase the number of potential opportunities. Conversely, narrowing to one or two options may better focus your job search or graduate school applications.
  6. Set “SMART” Goals. Now that you’ve identified your career options, develop an action plan to implement this decision. Identify specific, time-bound goals and steps to accomplish your plan. Set short-term goals (to be achieved in one year or less) and long-term goals (to be achieved in one to five years).
  7. Create Your Action Plan. It’s important to be realistic about expectations and timelines. Write down specific action steps to take to achieve your goals and help yourself stay organized. Check them off as you complete them, but feel free to amend your action plan as needed. Your goals and priorities may change, and that’s perfectly okay.

What is the It’s Your Career course all about?

Your career is not something happening in the distance—it’s not about creating a ten-year plan and then progressing up the ladder until a certain job title is reached. Your career is happening right now, and employees are taking a shorter-term view of career development. Instead of waiting to be satisfied by professional development milestones set for the future, they want to be satisfied today and tomorrow with the work they do. And they need to be prepared for the fact that their career will likely be disrupted by the change they can’t avoid or by the life choices they make. Our approach to career development centers around an approach that supports career exploration today, encourages planning for tomorrow and anticipates the unexpected—what’s now. what’s next. what if.


  • Reflect on their identity—who they are, what’s important to them, what they are good at, and what they like to do
  • Explore their reputation—how others perceive them and the impact of their reputation on the work they are attracting
  • Develop actions for minimizing the disconnect between identity and reputation
  • Establish goals and create actions plans
  • Think about the concept of community—how supporting others can be mutually beneficial in career and in life
  • Prepare for career disruptions—unintentional or intentional—with coping strategies and concrete steps that reinforce a focus on skills and experience


Conversations regarding career growth and plans can often be intimidating. Don’t let the fear of the unknown hamper your professional growth. Build your own career trajectory, make your own growth map, and track your own success to know your strengths and weaknesses.

The It’s Your Career course can help you evaluate your goals, seek ways to achieve them, prepare for contingencies, create action plans for your career ahead, and much more. If you need a helping hand to help clear the haze and to push you to make decisions in the right direction, this course is perfect for you.

To enroll, contact P2L today!

Mirantis Docker

One of The Top Mirantis Course’s You Need On Your Resume

What is Docker Swarm?

An orchestration tool like Docker swarm manages multiple containers deployed across multiple hosts. Docker swarms provide high levels of availability to applications, which is one of the main benefits of this technology.

Major Benefits of Docker Swarm

  1. It includes the ability to connect multiple hosts with Docker at the same time.
  2. It is a relatively easy process. In comparison to other platforms of a similar nature, starting with Docker Swarm is incredibly simple. 
  3.  Updates are performed constantly -The configuration for containers is saved in Swarm. As container updates are done in batches when you update configuration, the service is always available by default
  4. Configuration in a declarative manner. The replicas will automatically be scheduled based on given constraints if you specify what you want and how many replicas are needed.
  5. High levels of availability mean the cluster consists of two types of nodes: the master and the worker. Among the masters is the leader. Leaders are replaced if one fails. Similarly, during a failure of a worker host, all containers will be reassigned to other nodes.

    If Docker Swarm is something you’re interested in learning more about, you’ve come to the right place. P2L is offering you one of the best Docker Swarm courses by Mirantis!

    Mirantis – CN110: Docker Swarm Application Essentials

    This course will teach you what a containerized application looks like when it is orchestrated by Docker Swarm. It covers scheduling workloads across clusters, networking stateless and stateful applications, provisioning dynamic configuration and persistent storage, and scaling highly available applications.

    Prerequisite Courses

    Containerization Essentials – CN100: Cloud Native

    Which Candidates Can Benefit

    Motivated by developing, maintaining, and managing Docker-based containerized applications. IT professionals & general technical audiences.

Skills You Will Acquire

The following are some of the major skills you will learn throughout this course.


  • Workloads for networking swarms
  • Consistent storage provisioning
  • Creating a Swarm and configuring it
  • Workload deployment on Swarm
  • Providing dynamic configurations
  • Application rollouts and upgrades
  • Control of the scheduling process

So what are you waiting for? Contact P2L and enroll today!



Climb Up The Ladder By Acing Career Conversations

Climb Up The Ladder By Acing Career Conversations

Most people associate bad experiences with career conversations. Ever thought why is that the case? Could it be that they’re scared to bring it up with their manager? Perhaps they don’t know who is the right person to have these conversations with? Or that they’re demotivated to even try?

Most employees feel that their performance review or appraisal meetings are the only times they should have career conversations but that’s not true. Waiting around for a year is like missing out on some major opportunities. Wondering what are some tips to have effective career conversations? We’ve got you.

Tips for Holding a Great Career Conversation

As per Antoinette Oglethorpe, here are some good characteristics of positive career conversations:

1) Not necessarily with “the boss”

When it comes to who has the most effective career conversations, the consistent view is that it’s not necessarily the boss.  The fundamental priority is the person is objective, has the best interests of the individual at heart, and has no underlying agenda.  And for all those reasons, this makes your career conversations can be difficult for the immediate line manager.  Eventually, career conversations need to occur between employees and their managers, but that might be the place to finish rather than start the conversation.

2) Often take place informally

Good career conversations often take place outside any formal management or HR process. Or they may take place in what we might call  ‘semi-formal’ settings (such as mentoring discussions, regular progress meetings, follow-up meetings after an appraisal).  Although good conversations can take place in formal HR processes such as appraisal, they’re not all that frequent.

3) Sometimes are unplanned

Most meetings where good conversations take place are planned but they can also be spontaneous and unplanned. Valuable conversations with friends and work colleagues, for example, often happen spontaneously.

4)  Don’t have to take a long time

Good conversations usually take time, say three-quarters of an hour to an hour.  But sometimes a short first conversation is useful as a prelude to setting up a longer meeting.  Sometimes a single conversation on its own can be pivotal, but often several conversations are needed to make progress

5)  Provide different levels of support at different times

Employees often need career support at defining points like starting a new role, considering a job move (internally or externally), or when they come to the end of a development or training program.  At other times a lighter touch is needed.

6)  Focus on who they are, what they want, and why

A good career conversation can cut through the noise to help employees focus on where they’re at and reduce unnecessary stress.  Discussing how they feel about their current job and career can clarify matters and unload some negative emotions which can get in the way of positive thought and action.

7)  Help individuals reflect on the experience

Career conversations can help people reflect on what’s important to them in their career – What skills do they like to use?  What activities do they enjoy most?  What are their values concerning work?  What work environment do they prefer?  What people do they enjoy working with?

8)  Enable clarity of direction

In an effective career conversation, people will reflect on what their own ambitions really are.  In other words, what does success look like for them?  Helping them connect their personal values and career wishes ignites their passion and triggers the desire to develop.

9) Develop self-awareness by holding up a mirror

Good career conversations build confidence.  They hold up a mirror so individuals reflect on their skills and performance, think about the feedback they’ve received, what their strengths and weaknesses are and how people in the organization see them.  Done well, with a positive focus, that helps them believe in their own ability.

10)  Enable a change of perspective

An effective career conversation challenges individuals to think differently.  They help individuals challenge the status quo and move out of their comfort zone to consider what opportunities are available to them – in their current role and elsewhere in the organization?

11)  Aid decision making

Quality career conversations help individuals identify and evaluate different alternatives and opportunities, look at the pros and cons, and decide.  Or if not a final decision,  at least greater clarity about where they want to go and the development or experience needed to get there.

12)  Build networks and organizational understanding

People often need support in navigating the processes and politics of the organization.  Career conversations can help them develop an understanding of how things are done ‘round here, including both processes and tactics.  They can help them decide how to raise their profile and be more visible to key people.  And they can help them work out how to crack the system for moving jobs if that’s what they want to do.

13)  End with action

Good conversations usually lead to action.  There is a clear focus on the “So what?”  What career development strategies can they use to make progress?  What actions can they take? And there’ll also be an agreement on how they’re going to check in and review progress.

What is the Career Conversations course all about?

Supporting career development is great in theory but can be difficult in practice. Some managers may even dread these conversations. Career Conversations facilitate honest dialogue about what employees want out of their careers, what is expected of managers in the career development process, and how managers can best prepare to talk about their team members’ careers.


  • Understand what employees want out of careers and from their managers
  • Apply insights and tools for understanding the needs of individual team members, providing useful perspective, and creating connections to opportunities and people
  • Plan a career conversation with at least one team member
  • Be prepared to handle common career coaching challenges
  • Create a team strategy for talking about career development


If your manager hasn’t set up a 1:1 with you to have a career conversation, don’t hesitate to schedule a meeting on your own. It may feel intimidating, but it’s good for your own career progression. This course can come in handy if you’re looking for ways to have an effective and positive career conversation.

To enroll, contact P2L today!

Be An Adept Executive With Executive Coaching - A woman with ponytail is shaking hands with a man who is wearing a tie across a desk.

Be An Adept Executive With Executive Coaching

What is executive coaching?

According to the center for executive coaching, it is an efficient, high-impact process that helps high-performing people in leadership roles improve results in ways that are sustained over time.

Unlike traditional consulting assignments, it is efficient because it does not require invasive processes, large outside teams, and lengthy reports and analyses to get results.

It is a high-impact process because Executive Coaches typically work with clients in short meetings (i.e., 30 minutes per session). During this time, the coach and client can generate important insights, gain clarity, focus, and make decisions to improve performance.

Executive Coaching works with high-performing people in leadership roles. It is not therapy, meant to “fix” a person. As an Executive Coach, your clients are already highly functioning, successful people. Like any of us, they need support from time to time to perform better.

How can an executive coach make you successful?

As per Forbes, executive coaching can help in the following ways:

1. See yourself more clearly– When you engage with a good coach, he or she will generally gather input about how others see you at the beginning of the engagement and share it with you. (The best coaches will also pattern the feedback into key themes, to further clarify others’ perceptions of your key strengths and growth areas.)  Throughout the coaching engagement, your coach will also share his or her perceptions of you, based on observation of you and your interactions with others.

2. See others more clearly– A good and insightful coach will often have more neutral and accurate perceptions of those around you than you will and will share those perceptions with you (especially if he or she is doing other work in your organization). And—because skilled coaches work to make their coaching clients independent—he or they will also help you apply the same mental skills you learned for seeing yourself more clearly so that you can become more accurate in your assessment of others.

3. Leverage your existing strengths– Having an effective and supportive coach can also help you see and leverage strengths that you already have but that you may be underestimating. A good coach can help you recognize that tendency in yourself and work against it, both by helping you see and question the limiting assumptions you make about people who aren’t like you, and by offering you tools to support you in understanding and creating strong and vital working relationships with a wider variety of people.

4. Build more productive relationships– Leaders can dramatically limit their effectiveness by only being willing or able to build strong relationships with certain kinds of people. And all too often, that means people like themselves—in background, race, gender, beliefs, or work style.

5. Achieve what you want– A good coach can help you get clearer about your goals and dreams, and about what you’re capable of doing to achieve them. He or she can also be a powerfully useful support system on your journey: someone who knows you very well and wants the best for you—but is a neutral third party.

What is the Executive Coaching course all about?

P2L’s executive coaching process is designed to deliver measurable results for the organization and is customized for each individual. Our coaches all have wide business experience and are well-versed in P2L’s seven-step executive coaching process. Our coaches will work with each leader to clarify individual leadership themes, leverage personal convictions, and create a new standard for constructive dialogue and leadership integrity. Through diagnostic tools and candid interviews with the leader and appropriate stakeholders, we will assess the individual’s leadership capabilities and help prioritize the most significant areas for focused development.


  • Increased effectiveness and retention of key leaders
  • Improved business results
  • Increased employee engagement
  • Retention of leaders’ direct reports and colleagues
  • Increased senior team effectiveness, cross-functional collaboration, and credibility

Other Details:

  • 3-month, 6-month, and assessment with the follow-on coaching


Executives of any company are the core of the firm. They are the ones who take high-level decisions and needless to say run the company. For an organization to thrive and achieve great success, it is important to have proficient people in top-level management. Investing in skilled executives is the key to make your business succeed. This is where executive coaching plays an important role. Given its dynamic nature, you can incorporate executive coaching practices into almost any industry and propel visionary executives, managers, and budding leaders in an organization.

If you’re looking for a course that helps you become a good executive and a great leader, this executive coaching course is exactly for you.

To enroll, contact P2L today!

Upgrade Your Programmatic Skills with Apex & Visualforce

Programmatic Development Using Apex and Visualforce in Lightning Experience Course 

Interested in learning more about how applications can be customized programmatically? Keep reading for more insights!

What Will I Learn?
This course focuses on teaching you how to program in Apex and use Visualforce markup to customize your applications. As you build data objects, retrieve, manipulate, and store their data programmatically, you will gain hands-on experience.

Custom logic is written using Apex triggers and classes, and the logic is tested using the built-in testing framework. During this module, you will learn the nuances of working on a multi-tenant platform as well as how Apex code interacts with declarative customizations. Afterward, you’ll examine common methods for designing Apex solutions.

P2L Is Here To Make Your Dreams Come To Life

P2L is delighted to offer you this course! The course will culminate in a session in which students build a complex trigger by utilizing the declarative capabilities of the platform. During the course, you will be able to construct Visualforce pages to customize your user interface and Visualforce controllers (in Apex) to customize the controller behavior behind the interface. You’ll also learn about design techniques and Visualforce’s built-in testing framework.

Skills You Will Gain

The following competencies will be acquired by the end of this course:

  • Declarative interface for creating and modifying objects.
  • Customize Apex triggers and classes to implement business logic. 
  • Describe how your trigger code responds to the saved order of execution.
  • Give some basic guidelines for designing multi-tenant applications.
  • Create Visualforce markup and code to customize the user interface.
  • Test Apex and Visualforce using the in-built testing framework.

 Who Can Benefit From This Course?

This course is designed for programmatic developers who are new to the platform, who need to be able to write programmatic customizations to both the business logic and user interface layers using Apex and Visualforce. 


One year of Java (or another object-oriented programming language) Design and modeling of relational databases

A brief introduction to SQL

Basic HTML and Basic JavaScript

So what are you waiting for? Success is on your way, take the big step and contact P2L to enroll in this course today!

vmware spring- there is an insignia of a green leaf inside a white circle and the words Sping Vmware.

Spring is everywhere: Core Training in VMware Spring

Why Spring?

Spring makes programming Java easier, quicker, and safer for everybody. Spring’s focus on speed, simplicity, and productivity has made it a popular Java framework.

Spring Benefits

  • Makes it easier to build and run your microservices in production at scale.
  • Enables developers to build enterprise-grade reactive systems that are responsive, resilient, elastic, and message-driven.
  • The Spring Cloud suite of projects contains many of the services you need to make your applications run in the cloud.
  • It streamlines the development of server-side HTML applications, REST APIs, and bidirectional, event-based systems.
  • You can concentrate on writing application code while the underlying platform takes care of scaling, runtimes, resource allocation, security, and other “server” specifics.
  • Spring has a number of event-driven options to choose from, from integration and streaming all the way to cloud functions and data flows.

  • You can build mission-critical batch applications.

VMware Spring - About the Course

VMware Spring training is easily available and accessible.

P2L has partnered up with VMware to offer a 4-day VMware Spring: Core Training course just for you! Get hands-on experience with the major features of Spring and Spring Boot, including configuration, REST, security, AOP, auto-configuration, data access, actuator, and Spring testing framework to build enterprise and microservices applications. Create enterprise and cloud-ready applications on your own!

The course focuses on the following skills:

  • Spring configuration using Java Configuration and Annotations
  • Aspect-oriented programming with Spring
  • Testing Spring applications using JUnit 5
  • Spring Data Access - JDBC, JPA, and Spring Data
  • Spring Transaction Management
  • Simplifying application development with Spring Boot
  • Spring Boot auto-configuration, starters, and properties
  • Build a simple REST application using Spring Boot, embedded Web Server, and fat JARs or classic WARs
  • Implementing REST client applications using RestTemplate and WebClient Spring Security
  • Enable and extend metrics and monitoring capabilities using Spring Boot actuator
  • Utilize Spring Boot enhancements to testing

Who Can Benefit from this course?

Application developers who want to increase their understanding of Spring and Spring Boot with hands-on experience and a focus on fundamentals.

Prerequisite course: Some developer experience using Java, an IDE (Eclipse, STS, or IntelliJ), and build tools such as Maven or Gradle.

Begin your journey and contact P2L today for more information on this course.


Schedule (as of 2 )

Course Dates

Aug 17, 2021 – Aug 20, 2021 
Sep 14, 2021 – Sep 17, 2021 
Sep 28, 2021 – Oct 1, 2021 

Oct 19, 2021 – Oct 22, 2021 
Nov 9, 2021 – Nov 12, 2021 
Dec 7, 2021 – Dec 10, 2021 
Dec 28, 2021 – Dec 31, 2021

Contact P2L for more info. 

VMware Spring Professional 2021

The Spring Professional certification is designed to test and validate your understanding of and familiarity with core aspects of Spring and Spring Boot such as Configuration, Component-scanning, AOP, Data access and Transactions, REST, Spring Security, Auto-configuration, Actuator, Spring Boot Testing.

Distinctive Leadership: Unleash The Strategic Thinker In You - a woman wearing a blazer is discussing to a group what she wrote on the whiteboard

Distinctive Leadership: Unleash The Strategic Thinker In You

What is Distinctive Leadership?

IGI Global defines distinctive leadership as leadership with a blend of alignment with the business strategy, intellectual maturity, and emotional maturity is known as distinctive leadership.

What is the Distinctive Leadership course all about?

Distinctive Leadership is a senior-level experience designed to unleash the strategic advantage of leadership. This highly experiential journey includes assessments, executive coaching, a powerful in-person experience, and ongoing peer cohort coaching to create a sustainable shift in your leaders. This progressive approach supports both personal leadership, team development, and organizational improvement. Through this experience, individuals learn to create, understand, and take accountability for their development as high-performance leaders, collaborators, and strategic thinkers.

What is the length of the course?

The course is two days long.

What is the course journey like?

The Distinctive Leadership journey explores leadership across four levels – self, individuals, teams, and enterprise. This perspective gives leaders a line of SITE into what it takes to be a high-performing leader. Leader of:

  • Self–begins the journey by shifting mindsets, removing self-limiting beliefs, and helping leaders understand their personal brand.
  • Individuals–is about inclusion, the importance of trust in relationships, and the role of emotional intelligence.
  • Teams–emphasizes the critical skills needed to create an environment that encourages agility, high performing teams and a culture of candor, collaboration, and accountability.”
  • Enterprise–introduces key competencies that will enable individuals to ‘lead big’! Leading big is about: demonstrating courage, being a multiplier, developing cultural advantage, thinking differently, communicating with clarity and purpose, being agile and resilient, and focusing on what really matters.


  • Creation of competitive advantage through leadership
  • Innovation and continuous improvement, balanced with the risk
  • Reinforcement of a high-performance culture
  • Strengthened trust to drive personal, team, and organizational performance
  • Stimulation of a candid and open environment for collaboration
  • Alignment of teams around a common vision
  • Empowerment of leaders at all levels, along with a sense of ownership and accountability
  • Enhancement of professional presence, impact, and influence

What is the course experience like?

Pre-work: Distinctive Leadership includes two pre-work assessments: The High-Performance Leadership Assessment and the High-Performance Team Assessment.

Pre-Session Coaching Call: A pre-session coaching call provides insight into each leader’s background, personal beliefs about leadership, and personal leadership goals.

Experiential Session(s): The experiential sessions bring leaders together to shift their mindsets and develop strategies to enhance their leadership. Participants initiate the process of creating accountability partners with the colleagues who will support them on their journey.

Cohort Coaching: A series of facilitated coaching calls in small carefully selected peer groups help leaders further explore the four mindsets embedded in the program (SITE – Self, Individuals, Teams, Enterprise). The cohort coaching experience is a powerful way to make the learning sustainable and create a supportive network at work.

Capstone Event: A virtual capstone event brings the larger group back together to review and synthesize the learnings from their journey. Leaders will be challenged to continue their peer collaboration and to cascade the learning to the broader organization.


If you’re someone who is looking for personal development along with organizational growth, this distinctive leadership course will advance your skill set.

To enroll, contact P2L today!

SAS Enterprise Course

The SAS Enterprise Software You Need To Succeed!

What is SAS?
In addition to data management, advanced analytics, multivariate analysis, business intelligence, criminal investigation, and predictive analytics, SAS is a statistical software suite developed by the SAS Institute.

Why is it important?
SAS is powerful and versatile enough to meet most data analysis requirements. SAS is a flexible software program that can be used for many purposes. There are many ways to conduct descriptive, inferential, and forecasting statistical analyses with it.

We have all the information you need on this software, so if you are interested in learning more, you have come to the right place! P2L is offering the SAS Enterprise Guide Course focused on fulfilling all your querying and reporting needs.

SAS Enterprise Guide: Querying & Reporting

This course is for users who do not have SAS programming experience but need to access, manage, and summarize data from different sources, and present results in reports and graphs.

You will learn how to create SAS reports and queries using SAS Enterprise Guide, the point-and-click interface to SAS. It does not deal with SAS programming or statistical concepts.

In order to take SAS® Enterprise Guide® 2, you must complete the following courses:

Furthermore, you should also take the SAS Enterprise Guide Course on Creating Reports and Graphs. The course teaches statistical concepts using SAS Enterprise Guide. It is also a prerequisite for the SAS Enterprise Guide: ANOVA, Regression, and Logistic Regression.

Who is this course for?

Business, statistical, and data analysts licensed or considering SAS Enterprise Guide and SAS Analytics Pro who would like to learn how to access, manage, and analyze data.

Skills You Will Gain

Various types of local and remote data can be accessed and manipulated.

Join data from multiple tables, filter and summarize data, and create new columns.

Prepare frequency and tabular reports.

Produce output results automatically.


Users without any previous programming experience or knowledge of SAS can take this course. Before attending this course ideally, you should know Windows and other software, like Microsoft Office and spreadsheets.

Take advantage of this opportunity and contact P2L today to enroll!

Salesforce CPQ 201

Salesforce CPQ 201: The CRM Course You Need!

Salesforce has become the most popular CRM (Customer Relationship Management) system for enhancing strategy and results. Today’s hypercompetitive business environment demands that companies put their customers first. CRM  enables businesses to deliver more personalized experiences to customers and serve them more effectively. 

In every corner of the globe, the Salesforce CRM platform helps businesses identify and pursue new opportunities, manage customer data, and improve communications. In turn, they are better able to make smarter business decisions, leading to greater growth.

Salesforce for Businesses

Many businesses today are finding that traditional innovative solutions are insufficient to achieve their goals. Using Salesforce, they can create individualized services and solutions.

 CPQ 201 Course

P2L is pleased to announce its new CPQ-201 course will enable you to be successful with Salesforce CPQ.

The course is recommended for new  CPQ administrators and those taking over existing  CPQ implementations. System administrators who are responsible for setting up, configuring, and maintaining applications in organizations can benefit from this course. It will also benefit sales operations, IT managers, power users, and other users. In this course, you’ll start your journey towards being a Salesforce Certified CPQ Specialist.


It is helpful, but not essential, to be familiar with the  Classic interface and with custom fields & picklist values. A beginner’s trial is recommended for admin users.

Topics Covered:

Choosing Products

Rules for bundles and configurations

Discounts and pricing

Output generation of quotes

Process for awarding contracts

Collaboration, communication, and preparation for the future are enhanced by Salesforce. In a crowded, noisy business landscape, development increases the chances of success. Don’t miss out on this opportunity and enroll today with P2L!