Kubernetes for app developers course


Are you an application developer struggling with multi-node clusters?
If you said yes, then this is the place you were destined to reach because P2L is offering the perfect course for you!

Linux Foundation: Kubernetes for App Developers
This three-day course will teach you how to containerize, host, deploy and configure a multi-node cluster application. It also prepares you for the Certified Kubernetes Application Developer (CKAD) exam. Therefore, this course serves as a valuable asset as it greatly increases the student’s chances of becoming a certified developer.

Key Topics Covered in Kubernetes for App Developers
This course’s learning objectives are vendor and distribution agnostic. As a result, you will have more leeway as well as the opportunity to apply your newly acquired skills to a broader range of situations.

The main topics include:

ConfigMaps, Secrets, and SecurityContexts which is used to configure the deployment.

Recognize multi-container pod design

Set up probes for pod health monitoring

Application updating and rollbacks

Services and Network Policies should be implemented

For state persistence, using PersistentVolumeClaims

Create a new Python script in a container and deploy it.

Why choose Kubernetes?
Kubernetes adoption is skyrocketing, as it is one of the fastest-growing open-source projects in history. The Cloud Native Computing Foundation is dedicated to growing the community of Kubernetes-aware application developers, allowing the technology to continue to grow across a wide range of organizations.

Why do developers prefer Kubernetes?
Some of the key reasons why a developer might be interested in learning about Kubernetes are as follows:

  1. It has a strong community, so you can easily get help and answers when you need them.

  2. Provides rapid development skills by allowing you to deploy and update your applications more quickly and at scale to the market, thanks to features like the Maintenance window and exclusion.

  3. Acts as excellent support for microservice applications.

  4. In Kubernetes, zero-downtime deployments, fault tolerance, high availability, scaling, scheduling, and self-healing add significant value.

  5. Excellent platform for multi-cloud adoption.

Kubernetes is highly in demand, and it is critical for App Developers to understand it in order to build scalable applications and deploy them quickly.

Take a look at this informative blog to learn more about Kubernetes and its Administration side: LINUX FOUNDATION- KUBERNETES ADMINISTRATION, which delves deeper into the platform’s capabilities.

Kubernetes administrator roles


Kubernetes Administration:

What is Kubernetes?

Kubernetes is an orchestration platform consisting of an open-source container that automates many of the manual processes associated with containerized application deployment, management, and scaling. Kubernetes is useful for cloud app development as it provides a platform for scheduling and running containers on clusters of physical or virtual machines (VMs).

 Importance of the Kubernetes Administration Certification

The certification seeks to expand the community of Kubernetes Administrators by allowing for continued growth across businesses and institutions that use Kubernetes. It is a crucial step to allow managers to build their reputation and importance in the job market. It also makes it easier for businesses to swiftly hire high-quality teams to support their expansion.

Why take Linux Foundation- Kubernetes Administration course?

This course covers the fundamental concepts required to build and manage a Kubernetes cluster in production using vendor-independent tools.
Similarly, this course exposes students to the many skills required to administer Kubernetes in an environment that serves as an excellent preparation and production platform for the Certified Kubernetes Administration exam.

P2L has partnered with the Linux Foundation to provide the Kubernetes Administration course to anyone interested in managing a containerized application infrastructure. Therefore, this includes both current IT administrators and those looking to start a cloud career.

Skills Gained From the Kubernetes Administration Course

This four-day course will teach you:

  • How to install a multi-node Kubernetes cluster
  • How to grow a cluster, choose and implement cluster networking
  • Methods of application for lifecycle management
  • Configuring security for cluster and containers
  • Managing storage available to containers
  • Troubleshooting of containers and clusters
  • Configuring scheduling and affinity of container deployments 

Career Opportunities in Kubernetes

When looking for Kubernetes Administrator job roles, pay attention to the job descriptions rather than the job titles. Having Kubernetes Administrative knowledge through the course would put you ahead of the competition for the following job opportunities, or you could change careers and work in one of these roles:

  • DevOps Administrator 
  • Systems Administrator
  • Senior Cloud Operations Administrator
  • DevOps Engineer

As a result, the emergence of new and exciting job roles and career opportunities for Kubernetes Administrators is entirely natural at this point. Learning Kubernetes is, of course, an appealing option for a rewarding future and career, and you can easily get started by taking the Kubernetes Administration course.

How Microsoft Azure Architecture Technology works

Microsoft Azure: Architecture Technologies-the course for every Solution Architect’s success story?

Microsoft Azure Architecture Technologies:
Before learning more about the course you should know what a solution architect’s importance is in the architectural industry.

What is a solutions architect?
Solution architecture is the practice of designing, describing, and managing solution engineering in relation to specific business problems. The solution architect is therefore responsible for guiding and presenting the overall technical vision for the solution.

What are their key responsibilities?
Making decisions at the solution level and analyzing their impact on overall business goals and outcomes are the key responsibilities of a solution architect. A person in this position, similar to an architect in the construction industry who creates a general blueprint for a future building, must have a thorough understanding of available technology in order to recommend the best solution based on the existing environment and incoming requirements.
Therefore, after developing a strategic technical vision for the product, the solution architect is involved in estimating the budget and presenting it to the stakeholders. Once everything has been agreed upon, he or she oversees the development process and keeps all stakeholders informed of progress.

Hence, it is very important to create effective decisions and derive solutions to succeed in this field.

Are you a Solutions Architect struggling to create safe, scalable, and reliable solutions for all your business-related requirements?
P2L has partnered up with Microsoft Azure to provide the perfect course for you.

What does Microsoft Azure Architecture Technologies offer?
It is the course that all Solutions Architects need.
The following  course offered by P2L allows:

– Secure identification with Azure Active Directory, Users, and Groups.

– Helps implement on-site identity solutions and cloud-based skills.
– Applies monitor solutions to accumulate, incorporate and evaluate data from different sources.
– Manages subscriptions, accounts, Azure policy, and Role-Based Access Control.
– Administer Azure by using the Resource Manager, Azure Portal, Cloud Shell, and CLI.
– Setting up intersite connectivity solutions such as VNet Peering and virtual network gateways.
– Administer Azure App Service, Azure Container Proceedings, and Kubernetes.

How will these skills be applied to help my business?
By taking the Microsoft Azure: Architecture Technologies course you will build a well-designed solutions architect that aids teams in developing products on time and on budget while also ensuring that they solve the problem they were created to solve.

1. Adapting solutions to the needs of the business

Companies typically have operating systems, and information context, and integration requirements already in place. The solution architecture ensures that a new system fits into the existing business environment. A solution architect must understand how all parts of the business model interact in order to complete this task. Processes, operating systems, and application architectures are all included. They will be able to design a specific solution that best fits the environment if they understand these processes.

2. Taking into account the needs of all stakeholders

A product usually has a number of stakeholders, both technical and non-technical experts. The goal of a solution architecture is to ensure that all of their requirements are met. Stakeholders must be kept up to date on product development processes, costs, and budgeting on a regular basis. These activities are typically carried out by a solution architect, who converts technical project information into a language that management and non-technical stakeholders can comprehend.

3. Choosing the technology stack for the project

The technology stack chosen will have a direct impact on the technical architecture strategy. Platforms, programming languages, and tools are all associated with a variety of practices. Therefore, the solution architecture function here is to determine which of them is best for a specific project. It’s not an ordinary task that necessitates technology evaluation.

4. Non-functional requirements must be met.

While the exact list of non-functional requirements varies depending on the complexity of each product, the most common include security, performance, maintainability, scalability, usability, and product reliability. The solution architect’s job is to analyze all non-functional requirements and make sure that product engineering is done correctly.

Once you master the following skills you are ready to conquer your Solution Architect dreams! 

Microaggressions in the Workplace

Microaggressions in Your Workplace & How To Tackle Them

Microaggressions in Your Workplace: What Are They and How To Tackle Them With This Course

Although we see the shift towards more diverse workplaces, it is necessary to recognize that there is still room for growth when it comes to inclusivity and creating a safe environment. Microaggressions are a common and unfortunate occurrence in many professional spaces, where an individual’s biases towards members of marginalized groups transform into behaviors that communicate subtle yet negative attitudes towards that person. Employee interactions do not need to contain harsh language or offensive behavior to be considered a microaggression, rather it is the implicit actions that cause feelings of indignity amongst targeted individuals.

Even though these actions may seem small or insignificant, they can take a mental toll on those subject to it. It might lead to feelings of inadequacy and isolation, which can contribute to larger mental health struggles, such as depression. A lack of confidence and the motivation to succeed is a recipe to kill employee morale. They are unable to perform due to a lack of belief in their personal power, which can be attributed to their unsupportive workplace environment.

It is crucial for employees from stigmatized groups to feel heard, so they are assured their presence is absolutely needed for any competent workforce.

Often, these comments and behaviors are not intended to be acts of aggression. What may seem like an innocent remark to make to a colleague, could actually be an insensitive comment that reveals hidden prejudices about an unchangeable part of the other’s identity. It is the lack of awareness of our own inherent biases that can make us perpetrators of such behavior.


What does this mean for your company?

In today’s age, it is intolerable for corporations to neglect the current racial climate and continue to discriminate against minority groups. We have learned that the collaboration of different backgrounds is what creates the strongest and best solutions. A failure to address these issues can often result in massive financial losses for companies. In some extreme cases, boycotting from consumers might force a company to spend excess money on rebranding entirely in order to avoid further PR hiccups.

In terms of employee productivity, those who are subjected to microaggressions from others can experience ostracization and feel less inclined to participate in and support their company. They will also become less efficient as they struggle to keep themselves motivated in a space where they feel uncomfortable or unwanted. Any successful company understands the need to educate their employees on the differences that make us unique and human, and how these are to our collective advantage.


How can we overcome microaggressions?

Rather than staying silent when we notice someone making an inconsiderate comment, we should speak up and address why the statement is problematic. This should be done in a polite and informative manner, because the goal is to spread awareness and not cause defensive or reactive behaviors. The context of the situation should be reframed, so it is understood that the person making the remark is the one at fault, not the person being targeted. Those who are victims of microaggression and vocalize their feelings are often told to stop being sensitive and that it is simply a joke. However, it is not their duty to “toughen up”, but it is the duty of others to be more conscious of their prejudices and take action in unlearning them.

Facilitating group exchanges of ideas can also aid this problem, as individuals will have the opportunity to learn from one another and can see the positive impact that different perspectives bring.

P2L’s microaggressions course will explore more details regarding microaggressions in the workplace in an effort to inform employees on the dangers of allowing them to occur. It will also discuss different methods on how to address personal biases and steps that can be taken to unlearn them to build a more inclusive work environment.

The dates for this course are as follows:

March 11th, 2021: 9am to 12pm et

May 18th, 2021: 11am to 2pm et

August 26th, 2021: 9am to 12pm et

November 16th, 2021: 1pm to 4pm et

We look forward to your attendance!


What should you take away?

Everyone has implicit biases, even if they don’t align with our declared beliefs or values. It is a natural part of human thinking, but that doesn’t mean it can’t be unlearned. We create unconscious associations everyday without even meaning to, but it is every individual’s duty to at least acknowledge this. Being introspective and challenging the beliefs that dominate our personal narrative is critical to overcoming the prejudices that limit us. Embracing diversity is integral to building a bright and creative worldview.