Psychometric Analysis: How Can it Benefit Your Company? 

Psychometric Analysis: What is it and How Can it Benefit Your Company?

psychometric analysis for your business


Psychometric Analysis involves the understanding that nobody is perfect. Far from it.

Primarily, we all have solid spots, and we all have weak spots. 

No business model supports a system in which one person does everything, and the company will be successful. 

Various data shows that a business in which one or two people are doing everything is counterproductive. 

Why is that?

Efficient or Inefficient Resource Allocation?

Imagine I told you that I am a web designer and was working to build my own company. 

Designing and creating a landing email webpage that would take me 3 hours to complete. 

In the meantime, however, I am not a copywriter. 

Writing and editing my content would take me more than 5 hours for the same landing page. 

Moreover, I know that at this point, the question is not so much about the personal capabilities of every single employee and employer. 

For many, it is a question of resources. However, along with the resources, there comes the point when you have to know that you are allocating them efficiently and the end product is highly productive. 

Psychometric Analysis

What if I told you that there is a method to examine the best skill of your workers?

Do you think that there’s an analytical tool to understand the tasks in which a person would be 100% productive?

What if you found a way to optimize your business and recruit people by efficiently allocating the resources while at the same time getting the maximum outcome from everyone. 

Well, P2L is here today to let you know about that tool. 

I am pretty sure that you have heard about this tool, but it is pretty rare in the business context. 

Personal Psychometric Analysis

Psychometrics is a section of studies included in the field of psychology.

According to the Mettl Glossary, “Psychometric analysis is the structured process to measure psychometric attributes of an individual by thoroughly analyzing the test data. Ensuring the quality of the test used meets the standards. Psychometric analysis studies both the items of the test as well the responses to ensure the sanctity of the test.”

The most common example is a psychometrical analysis for their inherent skills of interest and motivation.

Interest tests, tests in areas of motivation, aptitude, knowledge, and skill orientation, are amongst the most common ones in the business field for the youth. 

Besides we are talking about a particular company. Your company.

Let’s be honest here.

You know the interests of your workers. Their motivations. Their skill orientation. You don’t need this kind of tool, or do you? 

Business Psychometric Analysis

Psychometric analysis isn’t limited to the tests oriented around the skills of the young workers as entrepreneurs.

They are oriented around people in the whole business world. And your business, in particular. 

Furthermore, personal development and aptitude tests will examine the team-building potential of a worker or a possible worker for your company. 

Other personalized examinations will be capable of psychological testing skills, attitude, and knowledge to show you the worker’s achievement potential. 

Let’s be even more specific. Popular aptitude tests include the Modern Language Aptitude Test (MLAT), the Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test (PPVT), and the Princeton Review Career Quiz (PRCQ).

These are tests that benefit you when hiring people with excellent skills verbal, numeric, or mechanical reasoning, language skills, work sampling, and other traits. 

Critical Evaluation

I don’t think you’d like to have a person who’s strength is in communication and language skills, working with the numbers of SEO analysis, even though it’s a part of their job role.

In the same way, I doubt that a person who is always thinking mechanically would be suitable as your lead PR communicator. 

Having a business means constantly building around your profile, your team and your people.

Constantly making sales means that you are constantly getting money, and you reinvest this money to acquire more resources. 

One of the significant truths you have to understand is that all of these efforts will be for not if you have an impersonal system that sees every employee as a number, and not as a human being with strengths and weaknesses. 

Not only is that not a good business profile, but it contributes to a counterproductive approach for your company. 

HR Learning Management Systems

HR Learning Management system

HR learning management system (LMS) is an automated system that training firms use to record, track, and monitor training activity. Learners can use a learning management system and other associated tools to access formal, informal, and collaborative learning content.

HR is responsible for everything from managing a set of individuals, procedures, and technologies. Furthermore, they are also accountable to collect, manage and report on a wide range of information. Integration between HR-related systems has long been a source of frustration for businesses, and the requirement for more integrated operations and HR analytics is exacerbating the problem.

Learning Management Systems have progressed from earlier systems to include features like the course and student monitoring, resource management, exams, and completion rates, among others. 

The integration landscape has changed dramatically as many of these technologies have moved to the cloud. Many firms’ learning, recruitment, and performance management systems are already in the cloud.

Some of the key benefits of incorporating a Learning Management system are

Allocates Resources Efficiently

The allocation of human resources becomes more efficient when a corporation connects its LMS with its HR system. Instead of the tedious effort of inputting data into many platforms or cross-referencing data, your employees can focus on other responsibilities with LMS integration. New data is entered, cross-referenced with existing data, and then the system can provide training to empower and improve new personnel.


Identifies Potential Breakthroughs and Trends

Integration of your LMS with your HR software or system reveals trends, demographic patterns, learning behaviour, and other data that can lead to new ideas, breakthroughs, and other insights that can be translated into practical plans and goals. The integration allows different departments within a company to work together in a smooth manner. When the HR system is integrated with the LMS, it’s simple to collaborate, track, and document progress.


Removes—or Minimizes The Dangers Of Incorrect Data Entry

When your employees have to manually enter everything, inaccuracy is unavoidable. Take a basic example: phone number integration with email makes it easier for individuals to back up their phone numbers with their emails. Consider having to manually enter each phone number from your phone into your Gmail contacts. It’s exhausting, and there’s a good possibility you’ll make a mistake. The inaccuracy grows in proportion to the size of the data. Data optimization is a requirement in every business system. You’ll overlook important measurements and trends that could lead to business breakthroughs if you don’t optimize your data.


Statistics for Online Learning Platforms

Big data may be accessed and turned into useful reports using an LMS connection. This functionality is especially significant for online learning platforms because the system will be able to suggest required courses based on the trainee’s résumé and the employer’s job description. With the pool of resources at their disposal, everyone may make informed decisions that will benefit the individual, the firm, and all parties involved in the organization’s success.

LMS integration with HR can also aid in identifying flaws in your staffing system, allowing HR to more easily target the sort of employee required to fill active and passive roles. The integration makes the task simpler, more personalized, and more enjoyable to complete.

The decision to integrate the LMS with the existing HR system is critical for any firm. It boosts employee morale, automates hiring and training processes, uncovers patterns and human resource flaws, boosts profitability, eliminates data redundancy, and ensures that each member of the organization is working in a job that produces the best outcomes.

Our cloud learning platform is ranked number 2 by See how P2L can help you inspire your top talent. Talk to an expert today! Contact us


Are you an (unconsciously) biased employer?

graphic of employers unconsciously biased

What is Unconscious Bias?

Unconscious bias refers to attitudes or prejudices that influence our perspectives, actions, and ability to make decisions. The scientific evidence is compelling in this area. It reveals how unconscious bias is activated automatically and influences how we think daily. It also has an impact on hiring and assessment processes, as well as contributing to a lack of diversity in the workforce.

Everyone is biased, yet the phrase bias makes some individuals feel as if they’re being slandered. So, while you’re reading this blog, I’d like to put your mind at ease. I’d like to invite you to be open to new ideas if you’ve come here because you’re curious about the title you just read.


Why unconscious bias matters to business?

Every decision made regarding a person costs us and the firm money, from the time we’re employed until the time we’re promoted, passed over, fired, or quit and when we make a bad mistake, we rush to the nearest online employment evaluation site to leave a negative review.

When you factor in the prejudice that occurs throughout the writing of the job description, the start of recruiting, the conduct of interviews, the making of hiring decisions, and the consideration of promotions, the issue becomes even more complicated.

Bias has a big impact on our careers, even if each bias is small. The consequences are serious and multiplying. And, while we continue to raise awareness about unconscious prejudice, we must remember that candidates are beginning to evaluate job offers based on a company’s reputation and diversity management.


The impact of bias

It’s natural to look for coworkers with whom we have something in common when we’re at work. Perhaps we grew up in the same town, have children who are friends in common, attended the same school, or have friendships or networks.

While it’s natural to want to share things in common, it’s critical that we don’t let our familiarity influence our decisions. Unconscious bias occurs when people make judgements based on preference or similar background. Employees leave the organization when they see others promoted based on relationships rather than merit. Employee turnover caused by unconscious bias is a costly blunder.

Turnover is expected to cost businesses $22,000 per employee. That is a substantial sum. Worse, some sources estimate the cost of replacing an employee earning $100,000 or more per year to be significantly greater. On the other hand, training and development to make your staff aware of unconscious bias costs a fraction of that, at only $1200 per employee.

So, why not use training to re-engage your employees? It’s a lot less expensive and better for employee morale. What if we invest in training and development for our employees and they leave? What happens if we don’t and they stay, is the response.

Have you ever worked somewhere where there was unconscious bias, a lack of diversity, or inequality? How was it dealt with? What ideas would you offer to make your workplace a better place to work? Because we can both be victims and perpetrators of unconscious bias, the impact of bias is complicated. However, if we commit to remain vigilant, we can begin to have a good impact.


So, what are we going to do with all of this new information?

Understanding and combating your own personal, unconscious bias is the first step toward leading and being a member of an inclusive team. Learners will develop critical self-awareness by identifying potential blind bias, learn practical, easy-to-apply bias-fighting tools, and construct an action plan to maintain bias awareness across the business in this programme. I hope you liked learning about this unusual subject and found it useful. It doesn’t have to be difficult to address unconscious prejudice and diversity challenges. And by working together, we can improve the lives and livelihoods of many more people. To learn more about this training programme contact P2L.

Who Needs A Coach Anyways

Who Needs A Coach Anyways




P2L might be your own ‘coach’ in the form of a company that has developed courses and theories about people having the ability to stay at home and to learn what matters to them. 

However, when it comes to the controversial question of who needs a coach, it’s pretty important to take your career into account, with respect to your own experiences, your knowledge, and your ability to adapt and evolve. 

Business Coaches

Firstly, I like coaches.

However, the question is based on your perspective.

Reading through the question, one might think that this would be based on years and years of experience in the business world. From someone who could be independent and have the capacity to work on their craft without a coach. 

At the same time, different thinking applies when it comes to reading the question between the lines with the understanding that there might be some irony in the question.

The false and inaccurate assumption is that often heard these days: that you don’t need school, or someone as your daily coach in life, to achieve whatever you want on your own.

But let me tell you, the business world is different than the world of populist theory. 

Coaches – P2L Perspective

Regardless of the fact that this particular question of coaching can be viewed from two different perspectives, the answer to each perspective is the same.

The analysis that P2L strives for, in accordance with the impact that we want to achieve, isn’t based on a one-sided approach. It’s based on a well-rounded consideration of the facts and the data. 

Therefore, this text takes both sides into consideration and serves to provide the best answer for each of them. The answer is based on values and foundational learning knowledge.

Always keep in mind that the purpose of our company is making you better, by skills transfer, to improve your business portfolio and your career. 

Who Needs a Coach Anyway? — Literal Question

When it comes to this being a literal question, this sparks a different type of discussion. It’s based on personal values in combination with the experiences and the knowledge of the individual. 

You may find business people who have been in business for ten years searching for a business coach. They have acquired various diplomas, completed multiple courses online, and have developed a company or created it from scratch. There are a few things that a coach would say that they would be unaware of. And yet they would seek out the advice of a coach to help them get to the next level of business. What got them here, to their current level will not get them there – to where they want to be. Therefore, they need a coach to help them make it happen.

This is not only due to their experience or lack of experience.

It’s also because, throughout all these years of work, successes, and failures, they know what the necessary skills are to reach a business their size, but will need new skills to scale the business to an even larger organization.

Who Needs a Coach Anyway? — Ironically

To be honest with you, not my favorite conversation to have.

Don’t get me wrong, having the ability and the passion to be dedicated to something with the ambition of always finding a way to learn things on your own and advance by yourself is awesome.

What’s not awesome, however, is thinking that you know everything there is to know about running your business, and being unaware of the work that coaches do, and how they can help you. 

It’s one thing to be knowledgeable about what you cannot do, and being self-aware, and to persevere enough to learn on your own and, if needed, to hire a coach. But it’s another thing to adopt a closed mindset that there is nothing more to learn, or to make the assumption that you know more about growing a business than coaches who have been doing that for their entire careers. 

In the same tone, I would caution individuals who are just getting started in business from thinking that they can be as successful as Grant Cardone or Tony Robbins in their first 2 years. 

Having set an unrealistic goal, they will be putting themselves in a position of over-working, without a specific goal or a specific direction for their business.

Not only would this approach lead to unrealistic ambitions and wrong assumptions, but a good coach would help steer them toward an achievable objective, with reasonable results while teaching that individual how to conduct their business properly. 

Concluding Remarks

It’s a troubling business world we live in. Success doesn’t only come from 15-20 hours of working every single day.

Success comes from working hard, but it also comes from applying the values and techniques, which will help you work smart, and be more efficient.

This applies to every aspect of life. What does having a PhD at 25 mean, if you don’t know how to apply it?

All the degrees in the world want help you, unless you have a clear vision of the future, and you learn to leverage the resources at your disposal to grow and improve. And that starts with finding a good coach and being humble enough to listen to them, and follow their advice.

Mandatory Training in Ontario, Canada

Mandatory Training in Ontario, Canada

group of people attending a lecture

To comply with federal and provincial rules, Ontario workplaces must complete certain training requirements. Almost every employer in Ontario is required to provide training to every employee in these four areas which is considered mandatory, despite the fact that each organization’s training needs are unique. The training is directed to raise general awareness about rights and responsibilities.

Here’s a rundown of Ontario’s essential training requirements :


Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) training

Who is it for?

The Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) was passed by the Ontario Public Service in 2005, making AODA training mandatory for all companies and workers in the province.

With the passage of this Act, Ontario became the first province to take steps to improve accessibility for people with disabilities. In Ontario, AODA training has been compulsory for over a decade. Some businesses and employees, on the other hand, are still unfamiliar with the phrases accessibility and disability. Many organizations also fail to provide AODA training to their employees and/or volunteers.

You will need this training if  : 

  • You are a Volunteer
  • Are you an existing or new employee?
  • On behalf of your organization, provide goods, services, or facilities.
  • Create policies for a company (e.g., board member)
  • Make adjustments to your company’s accessibility rules.
  • Are you a current employee who wants to start a new job?

Ensure that your employees are familiar with the AODA. It is not only the law, but it also delivers numerous benefits to your company and employees. When working with people with disabilities, AODA training provides workers with information, skills, and confidence. Contact us to enroll in this course.


(WHMIS)Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System Training,

The Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS) is a set of legislation enacted in 1988 that are designed to prevent occupational injuries and illnesses by providing employers and employees with information about hazardous items or substances to which they may be exposed at work

Except for farms, the WHMIS regulation in Ontario applies to all workplaces.

Hazardous product information must be presented in one of three ways under WHMIS:

  • Safety data sheets, in addition to the label, on hazardous product containers.
  • Detailed hazard and precautionary information;&
  • Worker education programmes

WHMIS, now known as WHMIS 2015, has been modified to:

  • Adopt new international criteria for identifying and providing information and safety data sheets on hazardous workplace substances
  • Physical hazards and health hazards are the two broad hazard categories for hazardous products.
  • To match hazard classes and make them easier to grasp, alter the information on labels to incorporate pictograms instead of symbols.the format of safety data sheets should be updated
  • To comply with federal WHMIS legislation, change the term “restricted items” to “hazardous products.”
  • Convey information in a uniform manner across all safety data sheets, regardless of source, and ensure that workers and emergency personnel have access to the information they need.

If you require assistance creating compliance labels and safety data sheets, the Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety(CCOHS) offers the CANWrite system.  

Employers must guarantee that personnel are properly taught before using hazardous materials.

If a product is new to the workplace or has just been identified as a hazardous product, the type and amount of training required will vary.

Contact us for more information about WHMIS training sessions.


Health & Safety Awareness Training

Employers in Ontario must ensure that all employees and managers have completed a basic occupational health and safety awareness training programme by July 1, 2014. The new legislation, which is the first of its type in North America, requires all workers to receive basic safety awareness training.

In Ontario, it is the obligation of every employer to give workers the information and training they need to do their jobs safely. Our course aids companies in meeting this requirement by informing employees about their rights and obligations under the Occupational Health and Safety Act, as well as the importance of workplace safety.

Participants will be able to do the following by the end of the course:

  • Determine the role of the worker in terms of health and safety.
  • Discuss the employer’s, worker’s, and supervisor’s roles and responsibilities.
  • Determine the health and safety representatives and JHSC members’ roles.
  • Talk about the rights of workers (know, refuse, and participate)
  • Recognize the most prevalent workplace dangers
  • Make a list of tactics for avoiding dangers.
  • Examine the significance of personal protective equipment (PPE) (PPE)
  • Indicate where more information on dangers can be obtained.
  • Work within the framework of the Internal Responsibility System (IRS)
  • Participate in the safety process.
  • Determine how to act as a role model.
  • Talk about your right to refuse dangerous work.
  • Understand where you can get health and safety information.

Who should complete this course?

Workers who fall under the criteria of a worker as defined by the Occupational Health and Safety Act.

Contact p2l for more information on this training.


Workplace Violence and Harassment Training

Workplace violence and harassment may be extremely harmful to both employees and the workplace environment. It can have an impact on workplace communication, productivity, morale, and overall well-being.

Employers must establish, implement, and maintain policies and programmes regulating workplace violence and harassment under the Occupational Health and Safety Act (OHSA) (WVH). This course was created to provide participants with more than just legal knowledge; it will also provide them with a deeper understanding of the various factors involved in managing a Workplace Violence and Harassment Policy and Program.

Participants will be able to do the following by the end of the course:

  • Determine new obligations as a result of Bill 132.
  • Discuss the definitions that apply.
  • Determine the variables that lead to violence and harassment.
  • Determine the origins of violence and harassment.
  • Dissect the meaning of sexual harassment.
  • Discuss what constitutes sexual harassment.
  • Determine the legal standards for workplace violence and harassment.

To keep their employees safe, most organizations will need to give job-specific training. Meeting training standards can aid in the prevention of discrimination, injury, and harassment in your workplace. Maintaining compliance with training regulations can also assist your company to avoid penalties and litigation. P2L is a well-known e-learning platform that can provide you with training on these mandatory courses. Contact us to know more about mandatory training in Ontario.

Sales: Who Should You Hire, When and Do You Need More?

You are starting as a small startup; you are getting more and more wins in the game called business. Sales, sales, sales. Nothing else. The product you have created, the service you have provided, and the brand you are advertising are doing great numbers. 

One of the most frequent questions asked in this particular circumstance is the following: “Who should I hire for Sales? Do I need more than one person?”. 

Lesson #1: When Should You Hire for Sales?

This is a reasonable question, and P2L is here today to provide a truthful answer. Nonetheless, after a great experience in the business world, our expectations would suggest one crucial thing to address. 

Before the question of who, it is most important to address the question of when. When should I hire for Sales? That is the indication of professionalism, maturity, and adaptability.

People might get too excited with their first profitable products and hire a salesperson or team at a very early stage, making it tougher to provide both them and the company with the resources needed.

Others might be overly patient with this approach and try to save their resources as much as possible, but when they hire a salesperson, it will probably be a waste of resources since the company has adapted to a pattern without a sales team.

Lesson #2: Why Should You Hire for Sales?

So the first and most important question that you have to ask yourself about hiring a salesperson is whether you need it or not? Most importantly, an asset or a liability depends on how the company has worked through time. As Gary Keller says in his groundbreaking book, The One Thing, “All outstanding achievements are the result of sustained focus over time — all of them. 

The same rules apply. The sales world is a dirty place. You will be under constant war. So, in other words, you need to find the best troops and put them in the right place and at the right time.

Nevertheless, what does this mean for ordinary people like you and me that did not study rocket science? 

In possibly the most straightforward words, it means that sales are amongst the top-3 powerful parts of the company. The only thing that you have to do is treat it that way. Furthermore, people will always love to state generalities and make it like “when you have the right person, your inner self will know,” etc.

Lesson #3: Who Should You Hire for Sales?

Well… that is partially true. What you genuinely need is experience. I do not care about their character. I care that they know what they are doing. Personally, with 2 minutes remaining on a Super Bowl Final, I would not give the ball to the rookie when I can use Tom Brady for the last play. Would you? 


As I said before, the sales world is a weird place. Are you not competent enough? They will eat you alive. Moreover, I am entirely aware of the fact that the truth hurts. Nevertheless, you cannot unsee the truth once you have seen it; you can sugarcoat it, but you can never change it. 

Lesson #4: Do You Need More Than One Salesperson?

It is the same thing as in the “Do You Need More Than One Person?” Question; why would you not? Most importantly, this goes back to the question before concerning the perfect timing for hiring a salesperson. Of course, you should hire another one. Right away. No questions asked.

If you want to hire a person and you are at the right timing, you will have the financial resources to hire another candidate. 

Last but not least, know where to be harsh on the salesperson you hire and know where to show understanding. Be harsh for someone who wants to become “the man” with two years of experience but don’t be harsh in the same way to someone with seven years of experience, one failed company in the books, and many other ups and downs. These people are still there because they have a dominating mentality, and their ‘heart’ is made out of steel. 

Key takeaways from today’s article: 

  1. The right time to hire a salesperson is when you have both the company’s financial resources and an efficient agenda, which has been proven to lead to results.
  2. Be aware that this is the process that will determine the next 2-5 years of your business. 
  3. Try to find someone who will challenge you and won’t only listen to you, but will have the experience to also teach you.
  4. Should you have the resources, hire more than one salesperson. If you build a competent team, the results won’t take long before they reveal themselves.  
A Guide to Network Automation with Python and Ansible

A Guide to Network Automation with Python and Ansible

What is Ansible?

Ansible is a universal language, unraveling the mystery of how work gets done. Turn tough tasks into repeatable playbooks. Roll out enterprise-wide protocols with the push of a button.

An Introduction to Network Automation with Ansible

Ansible modules support a wide range of vendors, device types, and actions, so you can manage your entire network with a single automation tool. With Ansible, you can:

  • Automate repetitive tasks to speed routine network changes and free up your time for more strategic work
  • Leverage the same simple, powerful, and agentless automation tool for network tasks that operations and development use
  • Separate the data model (in a playbook or role) from the execution layer (via Ansible modules) to manage heterogeneous network devices
  • Benefit from community and vendor-generated sample playbooks and roles to help accelerate network automation projects
  • Communicate securely with network hardware over SSH or HTTPS

What is Python?

Python is an interpreted, object-oriented, high-level programming language with dynamic semantics. Its high-level built-in data structures, combined with dynamic typing and dynamic binding, make it very attractive for Rapid Application Development, as well as for use as a scripting or glue language to connect existing components together. Python’s simple, easy-to-learn syntax emphasizes readability and therefore reduces the cost of program maintenance. Python supports modules and packages, which encourages program modularity and code reuse. The Python interpreter and the extensive standard library are available in source or binary form without charge for all major platforms and can be freely distributed.

Skills Gained

This course teaches students to blend Python skillsets with Ansible through the lens of automating networks. Automation techniques for the most popular vendors (incl. Cisco, Juniper, Arista) will be subjects of study, however, students may request examples from vendors within their own environments. Topics begin with a focus on automating networks with Python. This skill set is then folded into a broadening understanding of automating with Ansible. By the conclusion of this course, Students will have programmatic experience automating enterprise-class networks, including writing custom Ansible modules with Python.

Who Can Benefit

Class is appropriate for those interested in automation, specifically network automation, and those looking to marry a Python and Ansible skill set.

  • Network Administrators
  • Ansible devs
  • Python devs
  • Administrators interested in Automation
  • Individuals interested in DevOps, specifically for networking


  • Recommended Prerequisite: Python Basics (5 days)

Follow-on Courses

  • Recommended Follow up: Python for Network Automation (5 days)

Course Details

Day 01

Critical Python Catch Up & Review

Day 02

Python and Network Automation

Day 03

Critical Ansible Catchup & Review

Day 04

Blending Python and Ansible Skillsets

Day 05

Customizing Ansible with Python

To enroll, contact P2L today!

Unlock the Power os Python

Unlock The Power of Python

What is Python?

Opensource explains that Python is a popular general-purpose programming language that can be used for a wide variety of applications. It includes high-level data structures, dynamic typing, dynamic binding, and many more features that make it as useful for complex application development as it is for scripting or “glue code” that connects components together. It can also be extended to make system calls to almost all operating systems and to run code written in C or C++. Due to its ubiquity and ability to run on nearly every system architecture, it is a universal language found in a variety of different applications.

What is the Network Automation with Python course all about?

This intensive four-day hands-on training course is designed to help network engineers unlock the power of Python in combination with the programmability of modern networking systems. The class provides a start to finish the introduction to Python application programming for networking and network equipment. Students will learn about Python data types, program structure, functions, classes, and methods; will work with Git and understand distributed code management techniques; and will learn and use Python networking packages such as paramiko, netmiko pysnmp, and more.

Attendees will leave with a clear understanding of Python networking features and how to code with a wide range of third-party and vendor-specific libraries for controlling networking and network equipment. Students will gain hands-on experience with Python and network systems applications; will work with Cisco IOS, VMware NSX, and Arista EOS; and will learn how to use Ansible to automate network configurations.

Upon completion of the training, attendees will have the skills and information necessary to begin developing purpose-built Python applications to integrate with and control networking systems in an enterprise setting.


Available for Instructor-Led (ILT) in-person/onsite training or Virtual Instructor-Led Training (VILT) delivery; Open Enrollment options may be available.

Who should attend?

Network Engineers

What attendees will learn?

This course is designed to help network engineers unlock the power of Python in combination with the programmability of modern networking systems.

  • Overview: functions, classes, I/O, creating programs
  • Python automated tests and continuous integration (CI)
  • Python networking packages
  • Cisco IOS, VMware NSX, and Arista EOS operations
  • Ansible for Networks


Each attendee will require the ability to run a 64-bit virtual machine (provided with the course). Attendees must also have experience with networks and networking systems, as well as some programming experience.

What is the Comprehensive Data Science with Python course all about?

This programming data science training course teaches engineers, data scientists, statisticians, and other quantitative professionals the skills they need to use the Python programming language to analyze and chart data.

Skills Gained

All students will:

  • Understand the difference between Python basic data types
  • Know when to use different python collections
  • Ability to implement functions
  • Understand control flow constructs in Python
  • Handle errors via exception handling constructs
  • Be able to quantitatively define an answerable, actionable question
  • Import both structured and unstructured data into Python
  • Parse unstructured data into structured formats
  • Understand the differences between NumPy arrays and pandas data frames
  • Overview of where Python fits in the Python/Hadoop/Spark ecosystem
  • Simulate data through random number generation
  • Understand mechanisms for missing data and analytic implications
  • Explore and Clean Data
  • Create compelling graphics to reveal analytic results
  • Reshape and merge data to prepare for advanced analytics
  • Find test for group differences using inferential statistics
  • Implement linear regression from a frequentist perspective
  • Understand non-linear terms, confounding, and interaction in linear regression
  • Extend to logistic regression to model binary outcomes
  • Understand the difference between machine learning and frequentist approaches to statistics
  • Implement classification and regression models using machine learning
  • Score new datasets, evaluate model fit and quantify variable importance


All attendees should have prior programming experience and an understanding of basic statistics.

Software Requirements

  • Anaconda Python 3.5 or later
  • Spyder IDE (Comes with Anaconda)

Data Science with Python Programming Training Outline

  • Base Introduction
  • Defining Actionable, Analytic Questions
  • Bringing Data In
  • NumPy: Matrix Language
  • Data Preparation with Pandas
  • Exploratory Data Analysis with Pandas
  • Exploring Data Graphically
  • Advanced Graphing with Matplotlib, Pandas, and Seaborn
  • Python, Hadoop, and Spark
  • Missing Data
  • Traditional Inferential Statistics
  • Frequentist Approaches to Multivariate Statistics
  • Machine Learning Approaches to Multivariate Statistics
  • Supervised Learning: Regression
  • Supervised Learning: Classification
  • Conclusion

Introduction to Python

This training course is an introductory level course designed for students who are new to the language and need to learn the basics as well as for students who have had some exposure and now want to take their skills to the next level by introducing new topics and reinforcing existing knowledge. After learning all the basics students progress to advanced features of the language and applying them to problem-solving. They access databases, connect to a C program, explore multi-threaded programming, and develop a simple GUI.

Skills Gained

  • Installing Python and writing basic scripts
  • Using built-in data structures
  • Using all flow control features
  • Reading and writing from and to files
  • Using Python’s extensive libraries and functions
  • Accessing databases
  • Connecting to C programs
  • Multi-threading
  • GUI development

Who Can Benefit

This class is designed for students new to Python, or for students who have some exposure and need to expand their understanding.


Good computer skills and familiarity with basic programming concepts like variables, loops, and functions.

Course Details


Part 1: Basic Use

Chapter 1: Installation and Setup

Chapter 2: Getting Started

Chapter 3: Variables and Data Types

Chapter 4: Operators

Chapter 5: Control Structures

Chapter 6: Functions

Chapter 7: Exception Handling

Chapter 8: Simple File I/O

Chapter 9: Getting things done with modules and libraries

Part 2: Intermediate use

Chapter 1: Intermediate variables and operators

Chapter 2: Strings

Chapter 3: Functions

Chapter 4: Classes and Object-oriented Programming

Chapter 5: Persistence

Chapter 6: GUIs with Tkinter

Chapter 7: Numerical Processing

Chapter 8: Calling C code

Chapter 9: Threads in Python

To enroll, contact P2L today! 

Enhance Business Operations with Cloudera

Enhance Business Operations with Cloudera

About Cloudera

As per Talend, Cloudera is a software company that, for more than a decade, has provided a structured, flexible, and scalable platform, enabling sophisticated analysis of big data using Apache Hadoop, in any environment.

In 2008, key engineers from Facebook, Google, Oracle, and Yahoo came together to create Cloudera. The idea arose from the need to create a product to help everyone harness the power of Hadoop distribution software.

For years, Hadoop had helped businesses and other organizations store, sort, and analyze large volumes of data. Cloudera was launched to help users deploy and manage Hadoop, bringing order and understanding to the data that serves as the lifeblood of any modern organization.

Cloudera allows for a depth of data processing that goes beyond just data accumulation and storage. Cloudera’s enhanced capabilities provide the power to analyze data rapidly and easily while tracking and securing it across all environments. By using Cloudera’s comprehensive audits and lineage tracing, users can know where data originated and why it matters.

Why do businesses use Cloudera?

Talend explains, amid the new environment, Cloudera helps businesses:

  • Make their data more accessible and secure
  • Understand and respond to their customer’s needs and preferences
  • Save money and time on data storage, management, and retrieval
  • Reduce complexity, enabling a greater focus on research and development

What is the Cloudera University Security Training course about?

This course, which is offered exclusively through OnDemand, introduces experienced system administrators to some of the tools and techniques that Cloudera’s Solution Architects use to protect the clusters that our customers rely on for essential business operations.

Skills Gained

  • Describe security in the context of Hadoop
  • Assess threats to a production Hadoop cluster
  • Plan and deploy defenses against these threats
  • Improve the security of each node in the cluster
  • Set up authentication with Kerberos and Active Directory
  • Use permissions and ACLs to control access to files in HDFS
  • Use Apache Sentry to control data access
  • Perform common key management tasks
  • Use encryption to protect data in motion and at rest
  • Monitor a cluster for suspicious activity
  • Understand additional security considerations, including data governance and disaster recovery


The course is intended for system administrators and those in similar roles. Prospective students should have a good understanding of Hadoop’s architecture, the ability to perform system administration tasks in the Linux environment, and at least basic exposure to Cloudera Manager. We recommend that students complete the Cloudera Administrator Training for Apache Hadoop course, or have equivalent on-the-job experience, before beginning this course.

No prior training or experience with computer security is required.

Course Details

  • Security Overview
  • Security Architecture
  • Host Security
  • Encrypting Data In Motion
  • Authentication
  • Authorization
  • Encrypting Data at Rest
  • Additional Considerations

To enroll, contact P2L today!

Manage Big Data Better with Cloudera Data Analyst Training

Manage Big Data Better with Cloudera Data Analyst Training

What is Cloudera?

Talend explains that Cloudera is a software company that, for more than a decade, has provided a structured, flexible, and scalable platform, enabling sophisticated analysis of big data using Apache Hadoop, in any environment.

In 2008, key engineers from Facebook, Google, Oracle, and Yahoo came together to create Cloudera. The idea arose from the need to create a product to help everyone harness the power of Hadoop distribution software.

For years, Hadoop had helped businesses and other organizations store, sort, and analyze large volumes of data. Cloudera was launched to help users deploy and manage Hadoop, bringing order and understanding to the data that serves as the lifeblood of any modern organization.

Cloudera allows for a depth of data processing that goes beyond just data accumulation and storage. Cloudera’s enhanced capabilities provide the power to analyze data rapidly and easily while tracking and securing it across all environments. By using Cloudera’s comprehensive audits and lineage tracing, users can know where data originated and why it matters.

What is the Cloudera Data Analyst Training course all about?

Cloudera Educational Services’ four-day Data Analyst Training course will teach you to apply traditional data analytics and business intelligence skills to big data. This course presents the tools data professionals need to access, manipulate, transform, and analyze complex data sets using SQL and familiar scripting languages.

What to Expect?

Through instructor-led discussion and interactive, hands-on exercises, participants will navigate the ecosystem, learning:

  • How the open-source ecosystem of big data tools addresses challenges not met by traditional RDBMSs
  • Using Apache Hive and Apache Impala to provide SQL access to data
  • Hive and Impala syntax and data formats, including functions and subqueries
  • Create, modify, and delete tables, views, and databases; load data; and store results of queries
  • Create and use partitions and different file formats
  • Combining two or more datasets using JOIN or UNION, as appropriate
  • What analytic and windowing functions are, and how to use them
  • Store and query complex or nested data structures
  • Process and analyze semi-structured and unstructured data
  • Techniques for optimizing Hive and Impala queries
  • Extending the capabilities of Hive and Impala using parameters, custom file formats, and SerDes, and external scripts
  • How to determine whether Hive, Impala, an RDBMS, or a mix of these is best for a given task

Target Audience & Prerequisites

This course is designed for data analysts, business intelligence specialists, developers, system architects, and database administrators. Some knowledge of SQL is assumed, as is basic Linux command-line familiarity. Prior knowledge of Apache Hadoop is not required.

Get Certified

Upon completion of the course, attendees are encouraged to continue their studies and register for the CCA Data Analyst exam. Certification is a great differentiator. It helps establish you as a leader in the field, providing employers and customers with tangible evidence of your skills and expertise.

Advance your ecosystem expertise

Apache Hive makes transformation and analysis of complex, multi-structured data scalable in Cloudera environments. Apache Impala enables real-time interactive analysis of the data stored in Hadoop using a native SQL environment. Together, they make multi-structured data accessible to analysts, database administrators, and others without Java programming expertise.

Course Contents


Apache Hadoop Fundamentals

Introduction to Apache Hive and Impala

Querying with Apache Hive and Impala

Common Operators and Built-In Functions

Data Management

Data Storage and Performance

Working with Multiple Datasets

Analytic Functions and Windowing

Complex Data

Analyzing Text

Apache Hive Optimization

Apache Impala Optimization

Extending Apache Hive and Impala

Choosing the Best Tool for the Job



Big data has been a hot topic for over five years now. To manage, process, and understand this data, it is important for companies to work with tools that can help systematically extract data and design creative and smart solutions.

Explore Cloudera Data Analyst Training course to streamline handling and managing big data.

To enroll, contact P2L today!